Right now my husband and I are deciding between Colombia and Bulgaria. I am hearing conflicting information on the waits of both. if we went with Colombia, we'd definitely go with ICBF. Are you able to choose the sex through ICBF? And I also heard that if you do go through ICBF that the children are older (over 1 years old) is that true? Thanks :)
Also please PM me your agency. My mailbox was full for awhile, and when I went to erase some of the PMs, I accidentally deleted ALL of my PMs :( So I know some of you PMed me earlier, but please resend! thank you!
Hi Jackie,
I believe the wait time for an infant through ICBF is around 30 months right now. You can request gender, but keep in mind that ICBF considers an "infant" to be age 0-2. You could get a referral of a baby < 12 months, but I think you would need to be open to accepting a referral of a baby 12-24 months as well. Good luck in your decision! I know it's getting harder and harder to find the "perfect" IA program these days, but even though ICBF has a long wait, it is a very stable program.