My husband and I are starting the adoption process for an AA or bi-racial domestic infant for our second child. We have a 2 year old bio-son. We just read an interesting article on CNN regarding if whites need more training before adoption of black children. I do believe that it is important to realize that there is still racism in our country and people will challenge our decision to adopt "outside of our race." But I want to start the education process so we can begin to figure out the most healthy way for our family to react to these issues. What books have been helpful to those of you out there?
Many agencies will give you a recommended reading list. I personally recommend I'm Chocolate, You're Vanilla, by Marguerite Wright. Others have recommended Inside Transracial Adoption, and Does Anybody Else Look Like Me?.Some LinksThe National Adoption Center has reading lists: [url=]Portal Content Area Builder[/url]Adoptive Families magazine:[url=]Cultural Resources - African American Heritage - Adoptive Families[/url]Transracial Adoption Resources:[url=]Transracial Adoption Resources[/url]There are many blogs, including Anti-Racist Parent ([url=]Gratuitous cute kid pic! at Anti-Racist Parent - for parents committed to raising children with an anti-racist outlook[/url]. I hope this helps!
That is the book that our agency has on the 'required reading' list for Caucasian couples seeking to adopt an AA or Biracial child. At first I was put off by the introduction because it was long, tedious, and seemed to really emphasize what the Assoc of Black Social Workers stated in the early 70's about the wrong-ness of whites adopting AA or mixed-race children. However, once past that the book is strictly interviews with people who are either black or biracial who were adopted by white families. They talk about their experiences, how they feel about the type of families they were adopted into, what they wish would have been done differently, etc. It was eye-opening and a very good read. I feel a lot more confident going into our transracial adoption after having read it.
has anyone read the book Black Baby White Hands?I am a foster/adopt parent and honestly need to be educated about transracial adoptions.I want my kids to be proud of their heritage.