I would love to locate my son, here in Tennessee. I had requested & talked to others about requesting his file be opened, to try to locate him. From what I was informed, if I request for his file to be opened, and he is located by the state, and denies my request (as I was informed he has to accept my request), then once it has been requested/denied, then I may never be able to request his file be opened again. Just wanting some insight as to how this works, if anyone else has been through this in the Tennessee area?? Just would love to find my son and know he is all right!!
Actually, I am at the end of my journey with the state of TN. I am the adoptee trying to search for my bmom and family. They never said that I couldn't try contact again. This is a directquote from my own sworn statement rules: "I understand that if i desire to have contact with anyperson that has not been identified in Paragraph 7 above at any opint in the future I must AGAIN advise the Department of this request and the procedures described in this form and the rules of the Department regarding search and contact as stated above must be followed and an additioinal fee must be paid for this service. A new Sworn Statement may be filed at any point prior to the initiation of the search. Once the search has been initiated, the seatch must be completed in accordance with the Sworn Statement on file at the time the search was initiated." Whew that's a mouthful! Anotherwords, you can search and have them contact as many times as you're willing to pay. Hope this helps! Feel free to contact me if you need to or if you have any questions!
This is just wrong..
When they opened up Tennessee the rules were discussed on some boards and I think this is the one state that actually punishes people if they contact when the other has put in a no contact letter in their file or something like that..
I went thru the whole process to open my son's records. It goes like this...
1. request the file be opened and shared with me - requires his written permission. they find him and send him forms to fill out and return, then file can be copied and mailed to me. (My son didn't respond, so this was deemed a "denial).
2. request contact with eligible persons - this requires the State of TN searching for him and whomever else you request contact with. Once they are found, they are sent communication that I want contact, to which they have to fill out the contact veto form and file it with the state. the contact veto form either says "yes I will allow contact" or "no I do not wish to have contact". (Again, my son did not respond so it was considered a "denial". I can not ever contact him again without the possibility of jail time.)
3. request non-ID info (which was useless as it contained information only about me and my family, most of which was incorrect).
so, according to the thing I signed stating that i would abide by the results of the search and would not try to contact "anyone eligible to file a contact veto" without going thru the operations of the state of TN, I don't think i can try again. Therefore, now that I have requested and been denied I cannot even perform a private search for him. the only way I can make contact is thru the state of TN and it looks like it was a one shot deal. I can however contact his parents if I wish since they did not respond, there are no further restrictions on contact with them. However, I have no way of know who they are - no names, addresses, anything can be given to me unless they come from that file, which requires my son's permission for me to access.
NOW, later I read on the TN state laws something that said they will take 2 requests and they have to be 6 months apart, but I'm not sure i was reading that properly or interpreting it correctly. I need to follow up and ask the state. I guess I will someday....