We were told our letter of invite arrived and our agent was just waiting on the number, well we waited and waited for a month we heard nothing. i got mad and called and she said sorry it was never really issued, just that is was in the process. So on June 7th our letter was really issued and they pushed us to get over there. So we hurried and got air tickets for the next monday like 7 days after our invite arrived. The day before we were to leave i was home trying to get everything in order so we could leave the next morning when we got a phone call from our agent telling us to cancel our flight we couldnt travel, and she said she would have more infor the next day. I had to call her because she never called and she said the mother came back and wanted the baby back. So now i am waiting again. Wed our agent told us she would get more info for us soon, but by record showing we will be waiting around for a while. Hope everyone else is doing better.
Sorry to hear that. But, I guess it's better than getting over there and then finding out the birth mother is going to parent the child. Or worse yet during your appeal period.
Keep thinking good thoughts. We've had delays and set backs too. I think most people experience some degree of difficulty. Kaz is a tough country!
I dont know of anything off hand but i do know that alot has changed since our first adoption through that country. We adopted our son from there in 2004 and it was so smooth. We were in and out of the country in 23 days. I really wish i knew why they do what they do. There are so many babies over there that need families yet we have to jump through hoops of fire to get them. Sometimes i get so angry at the whole process and why they cant make it easier on us and them. Instead we have to wait sometimes years before we even travel. Who knows when we will get another referral could be weeks, could be months.