Good Afternoon!
I am new to this forum but needed some encouragment from those who have been through this before me.:eyebrows: My husband and I have been matched for a sibling group of 4 and are so excited. We have had a delay in getting them due to the fingerprints needing to be checked in the state they are coming from and then they have the ICPC to deal with? What is the usual time frame for this? We just want to get our kids home.
March 26, 2008 - homestudy finished.
April 29, 2008 - submitted to DSS for consideration.
May 6, 2008 - informed we were being considered.
June 30, 2008 - Matched! :cheer:
July 31, 2008 - Mailed fingerprint Cards
August 8, 2008 - waiting :coffee:
Yeah that is so great. I hope for both of you that the balls start rolling soon and you have your placement.
I do have a question. We are in the process of wanting to adopt a sibling group too. We have all our stuff done, except the state class and the homestudy. Do you know, since the classes wont start til early Oct., if we can do the homestudy before the classes? Thanks
Praying for both Jeanine and Twistwood that you get the kiddos soon.
Theresa, my name is Evelyn. Twistwood is my farm name I use it alot when needed an ID that I need to remember! We raise miniature horses.
I spoke with the worker in SC yesterday. The agreement between their agency and my agency is complete. The negotiation on subsidy is finished. We are waiting on the fingerprints again! Hopefully this time they will get processed! After that then if finally goes to ICPC and then we can go get them! YEAH :cheer:
It seems like forever but it is just the process that takes so long. I thought (naively) that we would be able to go get them right away. I didn't realize all the paperwork that happens AFTER the staffing is complete.
Any news? Oh I hope they are home.
I spoke to the SW this week. I'm not sure anymore if we are the top choice or not. I asked her if we were the only family they were considering. She said they had "pulled" a few homestudies from the many that they originally received.
When I heard that, I was so bummed because I thought there were several families they were seriously considering. Then I thought more about her first e-mail and that comment. The e-mail was very misleading if they are seriously considering other families. I'm wondering now if they pulled several other homestudies and will consider those more if we don't work out. Sounds good to me. Boy, it's hard to read other peoples minds.
I sure hope they tell us one way or the other soon. This waiting is driving me crazy.:arrow:
Yes! We finally got the fingerprints complete and the ICPC went to SC and they next day mailed it to MS and I called friday and the ICPC administrator said they would fax the approval today (monday) so it looks like we will be leaving SOON to get the kids. I am SO ready to have them home!
When we were chosen to be considered in the staffing I was very hopeful too. Then the worker told me that we were one of several studies being considered. I was a nervous wreck. Our worker told me I was in "labor" ha! It was terrible. My stomach was turning and I was physically ill. I couldn't imagine NOT getting the kids. I was trying to stay neutral but it is near impossible. That is the worst part of adoption is the waiting to be selected. Mostly for me because we were already mentally bonding to the kids and the thought they would have chosen someone else, well it was very hard on us. The day they called me and said we were selected was the biggest day of my life. I hope Jeannine that day comes soon for you...
Evelyn:woohoo: :thankyou: :clap:
Well, they didn't pick us and to make it sadder they didn't pick anyone! They are going to put the kids back up on the website. I'm so sad. I've been fighting tears (sometimes more successfully than others) the past few hours.
The only thing that makes sense to me is that they must want a family in state or possibly, one with fewer kids. I think it's in state because the 16 yo doesn't want to leave. I'm sure they don't want to separate the siblings by half a country. I'm going to be very mad if these kids don't find a good home because I know we would have given them a great home and a wonderful family.
I think another thing that is making me so sad is that I feel like this was our last chance. I found out two weeks ago that I'm pregnant. I should be excited that I'm pregnant and relieved that I'm not getting four more kids but I'm still really sad. I was so excited about these kids.
I really, really feel that we are supposed to adopt a sibling group in the near future and not 10 years down the road. I can't imagine who would place a sibling group with us now.
I guess I can't predict the future. We may have a sibling group fall in our laps next week or maybe I'll m/c soon and we'll be back to pursuing adoption but today I'm sad because it looks like our adoption journey is over.
I am so sorry that your homestudy was not chosen. I say homestudy because when the make the decision it is all they see. I even wrote in my journal that I am keeping for the kids the night before our staffing was that how can I make them see what beautiful people we are and what a wonderful home we could provide. Congratulations on your pregnancy. I would give anything to be pregnant at least once but that was not in the cards for me...
I wish you could experience pregnancy. I hope I don't sound ungrateful for being pregnant. I'm just confused. It's like I got on a cruise ship bound for Alaska. I worked for 3 years planning my Alaskan cruise and they just announced we are going to the Carribean. They are both great trips and I'm excited to see the Carribean but I had my heart set on Alaska. Now I may never get there. Does that make sense? That plus I'm still waiting to see if the baby "sticks" so it's hard to get excited, yet.
I look forward to following your journey with your boys.
Hi - I just ready this whole thread. I am feeling so lucky at the moment. We were placed with a sib set of three 2 months ago. They were in the same state (same county) as us and that made it a lot easier. We had been with 2 different agencies and waiting 3 years to adopt, but it is so worth it. We found out we were one of 2 families selected early on July (while we were on vacation in Idaho). 2 weeks later when we came home we went to disclosure, then the next day found out they are ours, the next day met them and had them forever 4 days later. It happened so fast for us, and I feel so sorry for you Evelyn. I can not imagaine having to wait like this. I guess we all do what we need to to get our forver kids. I also can't imagine having no kids and then having 4. We have one bio daugther and then went to a family of 6 and that was crazy enough. Good luck with everything and I hope you can go get them soon.
Evelyn do you have a date to go get them yet?
Jeanine I am so sorry. I can see why you would have so many emotions.
As for us, 2 of the 3 classes down. Last class will be 10/11 and the homestudy interviews are 10/10 and 10/15. The ball is slowly moving.
Well, finally all the paperwork is done! We have an approved interstate compact, approved contract. I spoke with the worker yesterday and she stated that she is working on the meeting to tell the kids and introduce them to our photo books (we sent one to each child). This will occur on the 16th (this is when it is scheduled). Hopefully soon after we can start talking to them on the phone. We plan to go at the end of this month to get them. It is later than we hoped but we have to go on their schedule. It will be good to put my arms around them and begin our family journey...
Well, less than a month after our "adoption miscarriage", I'm waiting for a real miscarriage. I found out Thursday that the baby has no heartbeat. I really always felt it would end this way so it's no big suprise but still...
I need a little break from the rollercoaster known as life then I think we'll be back on the adoption path.
you just never know, my experience is lazy case workers. Good luck though!
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