AJ is 6 1/2 and entering the first grade. He has a late birthday, so he is older than most of the kids in his class...
When he had to take his 1st grade readiness test, he fell near the bottom of the average...He was ok to go to the first grade, but would need help to catch up...
Fine - no problem...I'm home right? I'll just work and work with him until he catches up over the summer, then off to school, no harm, no foul...
Ok - so here we are, 12 days before school starts...And his printing has improved GREATLY - looks amazing - he prints like a champ...
His reading is alright - we read tons and tons and he is doing ok...
Sounding out words? Not so much. He has so much trouble - has not improved at all this summer. Not at all. It takes him 10 minutes just to sound out a word, because he wont even try...He just wants me to give him the answer, which I won't...We work on number recognition up to 100, and writing out the numbers when I call them out - lots of trouble there as well...He actually does better "reading" letters and numbers, but when it comes to getting them on the paper, there's a disconnect...
I'm so worried that he will fall behind - I looked up their cirriculum online, and I'm so worried...He's in a private school because the public schools in are area are so bad, but I wonder if he'll be able to keep up because they don't really cater to those who need help...
Please tell me that I'm worrying over nothing - that with the extra help and committment on my behalf he will do fine...We're not sure which teacher he has yet (otherwise I'd try to talk to her beforehand), but from what everyone says, they are both fantastic...
Anyone out there go through the same thing?
I know exactly how you feel. My son will turn 6 just before 1st grade starts. Several times I think maybe we should have waited and started him a year later in kindergarten. But, he survivied K fairly well and I suspect that we'll make it through 1st grade too. I had grand illusions that we would work really hard on his numbers and reading and writing this summer, but here we are at the end of summer and we didn't do much of anything. We read every day but I think we touched his sight word flash cards once or twice the whole summer. I try not to panic - there is already so much pressure at this age with all they have to learn in school. I just try not to pressure my son too much - I think kids need time to be kids and have fun. I also think it is important not to compare your child with other children the same age (that's a hard one for me). I know they all learn at their own pace, but I start to worry if it seems like my son is not doing as well as the other kids in his class. So, I am right there with you.
mom to Carlos & Sophia