Originally Posted By Shane
In search of brother born baby boy Treat on either 9/6 or 9/8 of 1976. Adopted through Catholic Charities in Oklahoma City, OK. Born at St. Anthony's Hospital. You have 2 brothers, a sister, and nephew that would love to meet you.
hey shane, im not sure if i am who you are looking for, are you totally sure of the dates. i was born in june of 76 in oklahoma city and adopted through some sort of agency,i have heard that i have other siblings but my family is not assisting me in finding my real family. they just dont understand how it feels to know that you have a whole other "real" family out there and you dont even know them, maybe your not who i am looking for, but i thought i would give it a shot. again, im pretty sure i was born in june of 76, but that doesnt mean much, i have been lied to about alot of stuff in my adoption, so who knows, maybe its true maybe not, feel free to contact me if you want to investigate this further. thanks alot, ray