Gotta love two year olds. Anyone else feel like spouting off?
Why does my DD decide she needs to go potty the second I have her fully dressed? Even if I just asked her a minute ago if she had to go? Or, for that matter, even if she just went a minute ago.
Why can't she just leave her shoes on in the car?
Why is it that on days when we go to my mom's house she wants to go to MIL's house? And on days we go to MIL's house she wants to go to my mom's house?
Why does she ask for the blue cup if she really wants the pink one?
Why does she insist on having some of my eggs every morning but refuse to eat them when I make them for her?
Why does she spend all day trying to get her brothers to play with her and then smack them when they dare to look on as I read her a story?
How is it possible that she knows what I mean by "whisper" outside the chapel but not in it?
Aahhhh. Ok, I feel better . . . :arrow:
Good thread! I have some to contribute!
Why does she cry if it makes her upset when her eyes are wet (because she's been crying)?
Why does she wake up at 5 (*beeping*) o'clock in the morning?
Why does she scream for her toy after she JUST threw it on the ground and I'm on the freeway?
Why does she tell me that she needs her diaper changed when she doesn't and tells me that she doesn't need her diaper changed when I can smell the poo a mile away, then screams when I change the poo filled diaper?
I can relate gals! My little guy is 21 mos old and is doing the same things!!!! I had to laugh about the eggs....he does that every morning!!!!!
I'm not quite there yet and I know this is meant to be a fun thread BUT
Did you guys read "The Emotional Life of the Toddler?"
It answers ALL your questions! Jillian (Saya) recommended it....great great great book!
oH I gotta get that book. 29 months!
Eats my sandwich and throws hers on the floor!
Asks for a hug and then yells, "Leave MY lone." Which is the cutest most annoying thing I have ever heard.
LOL. No book answers all of your questions. LOL.
WHY does he only want Daddy on days that he works? And WHY does he only want me on the few times I go out during the week? Oh, how they play us off one another.
Also: Why are foods okay one day and not the next?
AND WHY IS HE SO GOOD AT SCHOOL?! Not that I'm complaining but it makes me LOOK like I'm complaining when he's SO GOOD for everyone else. HA!
WHY does he only want Daddy on days that he works? And WHY does he only want me on the few times I go out during the week? Oh, how they play us off one another.
I am sooooo with you on that. Kelly and I work opposite halves of the week so when I had Katie it was all "Momma, Momma, Momma" and then when Kelly had her it was all "Ed-dad, Ed-dad, Ed-dad". It really makes you feel good when you hear that for hours on end.
I am sooooo with you on that. Kelly and I work opposite halves of the week so when I had Katie it was all "Momma, Momma, Momma" and then when Kelly had her it was all "Ed-dad, Ed-dad, Ed-dad". It really makes you feel good when you hear that for hours on end.
Glad to see my kid isn't the only one who has figured this one out. ;) They're smart, aren't they? :)
I think Bill Cosby had it right when he talked about brain Damage. Just remember God doesn't give us anything we can't handle, or at least eventually learn from. :cowboy:
What a cute post ! Thx !:clap:
Why does she pull out all her toys at once and will not play with any of them after opening them.
Why does she protest if i try and clear up all those puzzle pieces all over the floor if she hasn't touched the puzzle in the last 30 minutes.
Why does she want her daddy first thing in the morning and pushes me away
Why does she want me if she is sick and pushes daddy away.
Why can't she keep her socks on even when its cold.
Why does she make me read that same story book 20 times the same day, and probably the next day too. grrrrrr!!!!
Why does she hate the potty.
I could go on and on. LOL !!:thankyou:
Oh these are great! :)
I've had such a stressful day so far today. But I feel better just reading this thread! :arrow:
Here's another one:
We went to Sea World recently. They happened to have a Clydesdale out for a photo op. DD didn't want anything to do with the horse. Didn't want to be anywhere near him even with me or my mom holding her. Certainly didn't want to touch him. We had spent months talking about, reading books about, watching videos about sea animals and the ocean and the beach. So that DD would feel somewhat familiar with the things we would see. And she did seem to have a great time. But what does she say when I ask her what her favorite part of our vacation was? "The horsey".
AND WHY IS HE SO GOOD AT SCHOOL?! Not that I'm complaining but it makes me LOOK like I'm complaining when he's SO GOOD for everyone else. HA!
My child is the exact opposite... So good for me and a "monster" @ school? WHY? WHY? WHY?
She has been kicked out of 2. She has been @ the last one almost a year and 1/2 but still in time out everyday (almost)????
It is a mystery!