got called from the Y Tues...DD had bit a kid, scratched a kid and pushed a kid. i ended up picking her up because she was so "out of control" and she wouldn't talk to me about what happened. i thought it was because she was overtired, excited about our new puppy, etc. today got the same call. the preschool teachers are so nice and acting like it's not a big deal, she's "normally" such a good kid, etc. i really thought we were "through" this biting thing (the last incident happened 3 or so months ago). and even with other, earlier biting stuff, it was kind of like "one and done" (I'm sure the "victim" didn't feel great about that) and this seems like a freaking banshee!!!! I am wondering if she is "acting out" because we have been paying a lot of attention to the puppy? i have a call into my ped...should I take her to a child psychologist to figure out what is going on?I am seriously, seriously beside myself. Any help is much appreciated.
I'm so sorry this has started up again. I know it was tough on you to begin with. :grouphug: This is just a thought but it does sound like there's a trigger here. Whether it's at home or at daycare, I'd bet something is setting her off and this is the way she expresses herself. If she won't tell you what's up, is there someone else she'll talk to? Even if it's just a favorite toy.
Nikki, thank you, sweetie! (And DAC, I "saw" your post before it disappeared...thank you!!!) Well, I talked to her preschool teachers. The trigger is usually someone trying to take a toy from her. We decided that the usual "punishments" (time outs, etc.) really don't work with her. So yesterday, they started a program of giving her stickers for good behavior...and she was apparently great all day. I hate "rewarding" a kid for expected behavior, but maybe positive reinforcement is what we need to do....Let's hope this is FINALLY the trick!!! Thank you again, both, for your responses. I was seriously so bummed out last week, but am feeling much more positive.
Well there you go! And honestly, that makes sense. It's a gut reaction at that age.The one and only time I ever bit another child was when I was about three and my cousin took a doll away from me twice. Apparently the second time was too much. The stickers are a good idea. Maybe you could get one of those cute sticker books to put them in so she can go back and count how many days in a row she's done x or y.