Originally Posted By BARBARAI am seeking any info regarding my birth mother. I Female born 5/1/57 in Oconomowoc, and then transferred to a hospital in Milwaukee. Adoption thru Catholic Social Services later in May 1957, Delviered by D.J. Scheule at Summit Hospital. May have been named Barbara Rae at birth - WRITE SEEKING BIRTH MOM !!! Have wonderful life, and want to say THANK YOU
If you haven't found your b-mom, please email me at I live in wisconsin and thought perhaps I can help? I'm not sure what I can come up with, but if you have any kind of information, it would help. Under subject, just put searching 4 b-mom and I will know it's you.
hey barbara, have you had any sucess? i read your story and it sounds like mine. my mom had a baby on 01-15-57 in oconomowoc at a home for unwed mothers. the dr i thought she said was shumaker told her the baby died and we found out it was adopted out. i have been searching for years and cant come up with anything. sure wish i knew what to do..thanks for