I feel like we have been going on and on debating on this site and i've notice EVERYONE seems to say race isn't an issue when deciding who they're voting for.
I really believe that's not true at all. I for one am voting for Obama. I am also a black female. I am voting for Obama for several reasons. One being I am strongly pro-choice. I don't want government or some religious fanatic telling me what I can and can't do with my body. Also I think he's a brilliant man. I belive after having 8 years of an idiot "joe six pack" kinda guy we need someone like Obama to lead our country.
McCain 5 years ago I loved. The person who he is now I have no respect for. He's trying to win and I dont think he's putting country first. The pick for Palin was enough for me.
Also to be clear I am ALSO voting for Obama because he's black. I think it sends a message to the rest of the world that America is changing for the better. I am also very happy that when I tell my son he could be president one day it will no longer be a fairytale but a realistic goal because finally he has someone that looks like him that he can look up too.
Does this make me a racist? I am married to a CC man. 99% of my friends are CC. My child is mixed with Danish. I live in a area that's 99% CC.
I don't think I am racist BUT I am honest. I just wish everyone would be too.
Thanks Jen, beautiful post! And since I can't vote either, we are sitting here watching the news and waiting...our Obama signs in the window...hope everyone exercises their right to vote today!
I think LOTS of Canadians (ok world wide) are watching this election very, very closely. :earth: International support is very firmly on the side of Obama.
I think LOTS of Canadians (ok world wide) are watching this election very, very closely. :earth: International support is very firmly on the side of Obama.
It absolutely is! I was saying on another thread we've been getting tons of stories in our newspapers about how "bad" Obama will be for Canada's economy (relooking at NAFTA, liberal protectionism, etc) but no one here seems to care! Well, maybe the oil guys in the West do, but everyone else is just too excited about what he represents, you know?
I also read the South African newspapers a few times a week and this election has been on front page for awhile now...
Not to mention most of Western's crazy!
Great discussion! I'm sitting here listening to The Tom Joyner Show on the computer and Barack just called them after he and his wife, Michelle voted. What a wonderful family. Tears are streaming down my face because he's talking about his grandmother. God rest her soul. This woman sounds like she was AMAZING!
I too wanted Hillary at first but when the majority of my party wanted Obama I was fine with that. I am totally behind him 100%. I took the day off work to vote first thing in the morning then go volunteer at the Democratic HQ.
I brought my 5 year old daughter with me and she's totally into the election. It's so funny when we drive down the road and she looks to see how many Obama signs she can find.
I don't mean to disrespect the people that say they don't care if someone is purple or green but there's no such thing as a purple or green person. We can't help but to see someone's color. When I hear someone say I don't think of you as black (or insert another race) that tells me that they don't see that individual as the stereotype they have come to know from that race. Am I making sense?
My daughter is multi-racial/cultural and when I say multi I mean multi, she's Japanese/Jamacian/Na.Am./Italian/Af.Am/CC. She is only 5 years old like I said before but she already relates to people who look like her. She loves Alicia Keys and feels like she looks and sings like her. :) At some point she is giong to be asked who she relates to and if she says Barack Obama's daughters I would be thrilled. Thanks be to God she will have some role models to look up to.
Joskids, I have a close friend who lives in Columbus and I live in a small town south of Detroit so I know what you're talking about. When we visited Columbus one time we went to Cosi and I just smiled as I looked around. Not only were there interracial families there were interracial adoptive families. It was so commonplace to my girlfriend that she didn't even notice it but I long for my daughter to live in a community like that. You're right, CC will be outnumbered by people like my daughter.
It is funny how people, who upon first meeting me, assume we are in this "white club" and can say anything about any race or culture and I'll agree with them. After they see my BFriend and daughter all of a sudden wish they hadn't spilled their opinions to me.
Ok I've gone on long enough. Great thread and keep up your opinions ladies, just because we don't agree politically doesn't mean we can't relate. We all love our children and our country. The fact that we are all out voting and honoring those before us who fought to get us that right makes me very emotional.
Supa, wanted to add, I love your opinions and totally agree with you.
[FONT=Verdana]I'm AA and I originally voted for Hillary (I didn't think Obama had enough experience). I'm a big [/FONT][FONT=Verdana]Clinton[/FONT][FONT=Verdana] fan and a vote for Hillary, was in my eyes, a vote for Bill. Now that Obama is the candidate, I'm voting for him. I am also proud that a black man maybe President of the strongest country in the world. I have friends in [/FONT][FONT=Verdana]England[/FONT][FONT=Verdana] (they’re Black) and they are captivated about this election. It's a beautiful feeling!:cheer: [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana]I’m sad Obama’s g’mom passed on ( she helped raised him, and did a good job too!) but I have a feeling she was waiting to have a “sign” that her “baby boy” was going to make history and then passed on. I can imagine how it must feel to think: "I used to change his dirty diapers, and now he’s running for president!” [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana]What an honor and privilege! I know she’s bragging in heaven, I would! [/FONT]
Manni28 you are so right. I've heard people who are ready to pass don't do so until they know all of their business is cleared up. She must have known.
Joskids, pick me up on the way to KarynB's :drive: so I can join the dance. :banana:
I could not agree more, the reality is not one of us can afford 4 yrs or longer of the same past 8! I am sick of polls , but found one of interest. readers Digest did one with 17 countries...If they could vote in our election whom would they vote for? Some of you may have read this...long story short..OVERWHELMINGLY Obama! Netherlands-90%...Germany 85%....this was poll after poll in 17 ctrys..overwhelming support for Obama. McCain symbolizes The Bush Status-quo, on Iraq, global warming and most definately the economy. The world is basically praying for Obama to win this election...they equate him to hope and a friendlier, prosperous future for all. As do I.....:cheer:
A bit off topic here, but my thoughts for the day:
Just today, I was again taken aback by the commercial that calls Obama "too radical". My 9 year old asked me "mom, what does radical mean?" I said, "it means someone thinks for themselves." She said "well, then, obviously, Obama needs to be our next president." Granted, that from a naive 9 year old and a mother who tends to be a bit optimistic. But it did occur to me that radical isn't such a bad thing, seriously, is it? Wasn't Christopher Columbus considered a radical? And John Quincy Adams? And Galileo? And Abraham Lincoln? Something to consider.
just think that child of yours, may 1 day, be our future President. Children are so so wise! What is that old saying???? "Out of the mouths of Babes and into GODS' ears"...I think. The main one coming to my mind at this moment is.."Idle hands are the work of the Devil" get busy and get some work done here, for I am sure, my hands are way to idle! Besides we have a long night ahead of all of us with this election....No matter what party everyone belongs to...I offer you Luck, Peace and Yes HUGS!:grouphug:
I won't divulge who I voted for today...Only that I am not registered as democrat or republican.. I casted my vote today for both democrats and republicans ( local and federal). I have never solely voted republican or democrat...
But I personally know of several people who voted for Obama SOLELY because he is black....
Not that they agreed with his platform or ideas or thought he would make a better president based on his platform...but ONLY because he is black....
If you ask them about his economic policy or how he felt about a certain issue, they would no where be able to tell you.....I also know of people who registered to vote just so they could vote him into office just because he is black.....they told me this out their own mouth...
I work for the government...95% of the people who work in the building with me are retired military and they are voting for McCain solely because he was in the military.
Not that they agreed with his platform or ideas or thought he would make a better president based on his platform...but ONLY because he is military....
To me both of these situations are truly sad....
I simply will not vote for Obama due to his political leanings, statements, associations, and experience, period.
My children are Black and biracial, and one unofficially adopted child is Latina. I live in a predominantly CC area because we relocated to be near family. I have lived in Cuba, Mexico, and visited many other countries. My husband is CC, but in a previous marriage, my ex-husband was Latino.
Two of my best friends are Greek and African-American. Another sister-in-law is very Penocostal. All are voting for Obama. My sister is lesbian and voting Obama, but she loves me, anyway. I'm her "token" conservative. We joke that she can tell her friends she has one of "those" in the family, just to see their reaction.
I'm looking into doing some volunteer work with an organization that helps in re-settling refugees from other countries, primarily Africa and Asia.
I voted for Alan Keyes in '96.
I am sure people will not vote for Obama simply based on race. That is unfortunate. Similarly, there will be those who will use race solely as a basis to further their own racial prejudices. I am thinking of Farrakhan and the New Black Panther Party, specifically. Members of the NBPP were blocking entrance to a Philadelphia voting center today.
Hate is hate, regardless of who spews it.
Members of the NBPP were blocking entrance to a Philadelphia voting center today.
Hate is hate, regardless of who spews it.
Hate is hate I agree but lets report the truth! They DID NOT block ANYONE from voting. The police were called and NO ONE said they were blocked from voting etc... I saw the video and watch it on the news.
Do you have a link for that? I would like to see the video. I'm simply stating a blub I saw on a news site....
I hate almost everything Obama stands for as friendly and charismatic looking as he is. I voted for McCain because at least he is pro life. To me, that is the most important thing; not the economy or the war or the seemingly ridiculous race appeal of Obama. We have reached the 50 million murdered baby mark here in the US - to me that is beyond a holocaust - it is our own personal infanticide. Obama doesn't seem to care that the victims are mostly black, making it truly genocide. I voted Obama out, more than McCain in. :woohoo:
Either way, tomorrow I will wake up and submit to whomever the authorities be, because I believe God is in control and has given this nation the leadership that aligns with our hearts as a nation. Sadly, our nation has largely not given glory to God, and we are reaping such wages.
I saw a poll of (I believe) Georgia asking how many white voters felt race was a factor: 24%
That is NOT a small number. And that's how many openly admitted it was a factor. Perhaps there weren't any more, but my *guess* would be that there were more.