Gotta love those Canadians (haha) :love:
[url=]YouTube - sarah palin punk'd[/url]
You're all missing the point but no matter.
I have a feeling that she could have a Nobel Peace Prize but you'd find something to say about her b/c she's from the other side.
FTR, Biden says some pretty incredible things but those tend to go unnoticed, I wonder why?
I care for an 18 year old with Down Syndrome and she is incredible of terms of what she can achieve in her life. Because she had parents that have been there for her every single day, making sure she had the early intervention she so seriously needed. Sarah Palin has to make her own choices -- I think she assumes an awful lot when she thinks that because she says she's going to rally for special needs children, everyone with a special needs child should vote for her. I think it was a slap in the face to every woman (man) I know that has ever adopted or fostered an older or grieving, or neglected child, to assume that Sarah Palin is the only woman that understands what it's all about.
Honestly, I don't particularly like the video clip that was shown. But that's just me. If you are running for office, though, I would think you need to be prepared for having your wardrobe, your family, your past liasons, your religion, your hunting habits -- all thrown at you by someone along the way.
So it is what it is. If McCain had chosen Tina Fey as his running mate -- I might be leaning (but I'm not).
Because she had parents that have been there for her every single day, making sure she had the early intervention she so seriously needed.
This is way off topic, but - I hear this all the time and I admit that I am overly sensitive but the above quote implys that if the child had not done as well as she did it would be the parent's fault. This child did so well because the parents put their all into it. Parents of children who do not do well must not have done enough. As the parent of two special needs kids, there are cases where enough just isn't enough. Sorry for the off topic-ed-ness. This is a sensitive thing for me.
Back to politics.........
Lorraine, I completely agree with what you have said. This child is doing incredibly well for more than one reason, but her exceptional hands-on parents have much to do with it. My own children have some special needs. We do all that we can, I am home as much as I can possibly be (and still make the house payment) and we have schools that back us every step of the way. I would never, in a million years, state that parents of children who do not do well must not have done enough. And that would be true about parents who are raising so called "normal" children also.
Here's where I step in with a Palin defense. Are you saying that no one with a special needs child can run for a major office? Or, are you saying that no woman with a special needs child can run for office? If Todd Palin found himself in Sarah's shoes would there be a question? If one of Obama's children had down's would there be a question?
Just curious.
I can't speak for anyone else. What I said was that "Sarah Palin would have to make her own choices." Where my own children are concerned, I've made mine.
I wasn't aiming my post at anyone in particular. I just don't like double standards. As a woman who doesn't agree with Palin's politics or think her particular experience qualifies her to be MY pick, I get my back up a bit when it's implied that if she was a better mother she'd be home with that baby. I AM not stating that ANYONE on this thread has stated that... My post was questioning if this would come at all if it was a new dad running as opposed to a new mom.
I feel a NEED to clarify my stance on Palins 4-5 month old baby. I by NO means am saying that it is not vital that Todd, be there for this child. I am saying that the Palins(both) were fully aware( for they ARE intelligent people)that a child (INFANT) with Down Syn. would and MUST require most ALL their attention and require most of that attention from the childs mother. For it is vital to the child to have MORE attention from their mom , as it is for a child without special needs. I AM fully aware that Most ALL woman are capable of having a career and raising children, for it has been done , and done well for many many years. What I AM saying is this child cannot get the physical therapy(up to 6 hrs. a day) and the security of its mothers hands on attention while she is in meetings that could last for many many hours on end. How does one that is called at a drop of the hat, at all hours to fly out of country to meet with foreign dignataries, say to all involved,"I have to go with my baby , he needs to have his therapy , so please wait till I am done, I will be back in 3 hrs and we can take these issues up then.?" She and her husband were made fully aware of what they ,as parents, would be facing and what challenges would be ahead them, and this child. I am not concerned for the rest of her children for they are older and know their mom is there for them. This baby, shows no muscle formation of any depth and for that child , it is vital to have BOTH parents there 24/7, to be given the best chance that life offers. I guess in closing my explanation, I am simply saying this baby had no say in its disorder, The Palins chose to give this child all that is REQUIRED! I have watched first hand, a mother raise her Down Syn. daughter, she at times did not know how she would find strength to do this EACH day. It has been a job of great magnitude to do so. Olivia , this child I speak of is now about to turn 8, she has learned to speak 100 words, she has just started to say a full sentence, she still goes 3 x per week for grueling therapy, she no longer cries when Kathy leaves her at her special school. Kathy along with her 5 kids and husband have fully and wholeheartedly put their all into this child .While running 6 fast food estab.s. , I am so humbled to see their love for olivia and the strength they commit to her each day. This IS what the Palins must do for their son to have the best life has to offer, and it cannot be part time! I mean no offense of ANY kind, I am stating facts of what I have seen first hand from a full time hands on Mother. Maybe one day will be SARA'S day, but she ,as a parent is needed much more by her baby! I hope this explains some of my views fo why this child needs his mother...some of them!
Josh -- I suggest you google this show, and the other shows I suggested that the Americans reading about this look up on You Tube that are produced by Canadians. This happens ALL the time to POLITICIANS - of both genders, all races, and sexual orientation and nationalities. Its about humor. And seriously -- being a woman has nothing to do with being stupid and gullible. Which Palin was in this case, without a doubt.
Just glad this is all over--and now we can all start praying much harder for our country.
Josh -- I suggest you google this show, and the other shows I suggested that the Americans reading about this look up on You Tube that are produced by Canadians. This happens ALL the time to POLITICIANS - of both genders, all races, and sexual orientation and nationalities. Its about humor. And seriously -- being a woman has nothing to do with being stupid and gullible. Which Palin was in this case, without a doubt.
Yeah, I have to agree with this. And I really believe respect is earned, not just a right.
BUT, that being said, even I am getting sick of all the Palin bashing...although if it is true she may be running to lead the Republican Party in 2012, I am scared!!!!
Know what makes me sad? Is that her OWN party is turning on her...
I was watching Fox News yesterday (just for fun I guess) and they were totally knocking her! Basically saying that she is the reason McCain lost!
So which is it - did she BRING voters to you or LOSE voters for you? Can't have it both ways people!
I mean, I can see when the opposite party tries to make digs (don't like it, but I get it). But when your OWN party does so...yeesh!
Love - yeah, I saw some stories on that too. There was one in our paper with McCain's aids dishing on her, basically saying she is a hillbilly from Wasilla, and that she used their personal credit cards to buy clothes, how McCain himself didn't like her at the end etc etc. Enough already!
BUT, that being said, even I am getting sick of all the Palin bashing...although if it is true she may be running to lead the Republican Party in 2012, I am scared!!!!
I really hope not-running for Pres that is. I don't think that its a good idea if you ask me. She has a young family, and special needs child that needs her attention and care.
I really hope not-running for Pres that is. I don't think that its a good idea if you ask me. She has a young family, and special needs child that needs her attention and care.
TOTALLY OT - but could your little guy be ANY cuter??? What a gorgeous baby!