I wrote this in another thread and thought I might just start another thread, that more might see it and like to talk about it.
Here's the original thread: [url][/url]
And heres the new topic:
Can we take a new spin on all of this. Maybe say what does make a good president by what already has indeed be proven. Meaning not what they say but what they've done.
What makes either worthy of your vote by what they have indeed done, speifics (not our or their hopes or plan to's) but the real deal kind of points they have already proven themselves with. Not what the other guy hasn't done...what's your guy done. We've all gotten into some pretty personal topics to date, so I don't think proven record of a candidate would get much more personal. Whatever you're comfortable talking about that's documented and important to you.
Somewhere new to go in this pretty fantastic exchange out here :)
My candidate, McCain, has voted against many gun control efforts as a US Senator. So what he has done is to stand on my side in what is usually an unpopular side.
A little late here and I haven't been keeping up with this forum... but mine would be:
My guy has adopted a child and the other candidate hasn't.
I was really hoping that perhaps with an adoptive father in the White House that there would be some sort of adoption reform. (My brain led me to vote for him for other reasons, but my heart kept coming back to the fact that he is as Adoptive parent - like me!)
I'm sad tonight...