Sadly this isn't going anywhere good. Too bad because Crick's post was really quite funny!
Unfortunately I should have done my research first to see if there was a Red State letter rebuttal. That one is pretty vicious in comparison to the Blue State one. whew!
Nonetheless, I had edited out a couple things of the Blue State one because they did touch on a bit of single mom (negatively) and on the marijuana. I posted before going to make dinner and didn't write that in.
Can you tell I'm "off" today? LOL!
Anyway, I edited the Red State one a bit to more match the response to Blue State and posted to that effect. Hopefully the "should be just regular ole' humor" will remain.
Don't be afraid to close it though if it gets bad after my post.
Things should be looking up for me in a bit...I'll be taking some valium. LOL!
Seriously...I am! Having dental surgery in the a.m. and have to take it or Kirk will have to pry my fingers from the door and physically toss me in the car. I HATE HATE HATE HATE the dentist.
I probably should take that now...LOL!
I hate the dentist too. (Don't tell my kids!) I broke a tooth back in June and ended up maxing out my dental coverage for the year with the work that needed to be done once they got in there. And there is still more left to go when our insurance cycles again next June. It was my own fault for not going to the dentist for 3.5 years, but now I hate the dentist even more!
Good luck tomorow! At least you have the valium! :)
:eek: parallel universe as Suz would say!
That's exactly what I'm going in for tomorrow...a broken tooth that I uhm...ignored for ohhh...errr....8 months or so. It broke off a little at a time and it only hurt a bit in the beginning so I've just ignored it.
We'd never let our kids do this so not sure why we moms do???
Well, between 3 or 4 trips a year to the rheumatologist, and annual trips to the gynecologist and primary care doctor (a required annual physical to keep our insurance premiums down), an annual mammagram, and a bone density scan or x-rays to determine the progression of my RA, I somehow managed to convice myself that I just really didn't have time for the dentist.
And then proceeded to spent way too much time and way too much money this summer making up for my not having time to go to preventative care. Not one of my best decisions!
Makes a good lecture for my kids though about why they go every six months! :D