I was adopted at birth, and here is what I remember about my story I'm sure I have forgetten some of it but here is what I can recall.
My birth mother was 16 when she had me, my father was not around I think he ran shortly after he found out she was pregnante. At that time my Aunt was working as a social worker in the Kansas City, KS area, she was friends with my Birth grandmother untill she died. When my aunt found out about me through my Birth grandmother she knew just the right people to call. She told my mother and father (her brother and sister in law) who had been looking for a child to adopt about me. I don't know all the details but my folks paid all of the expenses so they could have me. They got the call late one night to get to KC fast, so they loaded up them selves and one of my mothers friends ( who by the way knew absoulty nothing about babies) and went to the hospitle. After I was born my birth mothers family was trying to convince her to keep me so they could collect more welfare. Luckly my Bmother came to her senses and allowed my parents to take me home.
I had a better than normal childhood, because my parents were abosultly ready for a child. I know my life would have been much different most likely in a negetive way if I hadent been adopted.
I found out I was adopted at a young age, I don't know what age. I do remember finding out when in school they wanted everyone to do a family history, I'm pretty sure thats when they told me.
I also have to say I have never wanted to meet or find my birth parents, it would have been easy for me to since my aunt knew the people but I wasent interested. My parents were my parents and thats all that mattered. I did want to know what country my ansestors came from, I'm desendant from germans and my parents are from french ansestors. That was all I really wanted to know, since I dont look french at all.
I just feel like saying adoption can be the best thing ever.
Welcome and join the club of the adoptee who believe their adoption was the biggest blessing ever. Of course there are all types of people and some adoptee do want to search. That is OK too. I am just glad to meet another fellow adoptee. I too could have found out who my bmom was if I really wanted to but never did. I unfortunately was forced to search when face with a life threatening illness. Even still all I really wanted was medical information.
Hi MightyMouse,
Thanks for sharing your story. You don't say how old you are. I don't know what you (or rather your parents) were told about your medical history. I can tell you that there were things that happened in my family after D's adoption that are good for him to know for his own and his kids' medical history. Had D not chosen to be in contact with me (I found him, but it was his choice.), I would have been relieved to at least know he was alive and well. I have been blessed to have the opportunity to get to know him as an adult. It was the best gift he could give me. The fact that it doesn't change who his parents are is a close second.