waiting for her father to adopt her. she is 27, birth name is brandy marie pruitt born 06-13-1981 in ga.last saw her in auburn alabama when she was staying with my friend abby and she got sick with a cold and abby took her to the hospita. her father told me she died 10-26-1981 in ala. the day the adoption was to go thru.he said the foster mom in ala. called him that morning and said no one got any sleep that night because brandy/lisa cried all night.when the foster mom went to pick her up from her nap at 8.a.m 10-26-1981 that she was dead. he said the foster mom called him in ga. and told him.the foster mom took her body to east alabama memorial center hospital and the only two people who saw her body were the foster mom and dr. freeman.the hospital sealed her casket shut,he said she had some kind of bacteria infection. i asked him and my friend abby about a year ago when i found them if she had menengities. he said no. the death certificate said she did. also her father told me that his father got a car and drove her casket in the trunk from alabama to blairesville ga. to bury her in the family plot.he said the hospital sealed her casket shut and no one saw her body but the foster mom and dr. freeman. i can not find any records of her.birth name brandy or lisa. her dad said that he does not know if her name was ever legally changed, but the judge told him he can put any name on the death certificate that he wanted to. i can not find any records of her and she is not in the death index. the hospital in alabama will not give me her records because i am not listed as the informant on the papers.her father steve is.i have been searching for 18 years. if any one knows of this please help. thank you melody maiden is pruitt.
You may need to retain a lawyer to petition the court to have those records released.
I can't see another way around it. Unless, someone is close to this case and can tell you more.