Here is important information regarding changes in Ukrainian legislation regarding international adoption. In addition to some other changes in the application process, note that Ukraine will no longer accept dossiers requesting healthy children or children with minor correctable needs under age 3; moreover in the opinion of the US embassy in Ukraine, Ukraine may not accept dossiers requesting children that are healthy or have minor/correctable health problems under the age of 6.
It is important to get this word out - in recent years, many in the adoption community have felt that US adoption agencies and some facilitators in Ukraine have misled US prospective adoptive parents as to the availability of young children, making quite a few parents have false hopes that they could easily adopt a relatively healthy child as young as 18 months--these parents then traveled to Ukraine and returned without a child after turning down prospective referrals of older children and children with significant health needs. There has been a major push in recent years toward domestic adoption and foster families, and these efforts have virtually emptied children's homes of younger, healthier children.
Max's mom
Adoption Notice
Bureau of Consular Affairs
Office of Children's Issues
________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________
December 5, 2008
New Adoption Regulations in Effect
On October 8, 2008 the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved Resolution #905, introducing new regulations for adoptions and the protection of the rights of adopted children. This Resolution cancels the previous adoption Resolution #1377. The new regulations went into effect on December 1, 2008.
The Resolution sets regulations for the registration of abandoned children at the local, regional and central levels. It also describes adoption proceedings for both domestic and intercountry adoptions. Some of these changes will affect the intercountry adoption process. These changes are described in more detail below and in the updated country specific information on adoption from Ukraine. We have also revised the list of documents that should be submitted to the SDAPRC for registration to reflect all of the changes.
Adoption Home Study
Resolution #905 introduces more specific requirements for the adoption home study. The home study should include the following items: home address, living conditions (number of bedrooms, living space and conditions for the adopted child), biographic information of the parents, household members (number of persons residing in the same household and their relation to the adoptive parent, number of biological children, if any); adoptive parents’ approach towards adoption. The home study must also include the recommendations regarding the number, age and health condition of the children that can be adopted by the prospective adoptive parents. The important thing to remember is that the conclusion should clearly state that it is the agency/social worker’s recommendation for this family to adopt this particular child or children, not just the family’s own preference.
Refusal to Register Adoption Dossiers
According to this Resolution the SDAPRC will now have the right to refuse to register your dossier if, at the time of the dossier’s submission to the SDAPRC, the central database of Ukrainian children available for intercountry adoptions will not contain any children complying with the recommendation in your home study. Given the statistics published by the SDAPRC and available on our website at: [url=]U.S. Embassy Kyiv - Visa Services[/url], there are currently no healthy children (or children with minor, correctable health problems) under three and very few under six years old. Therefore, if you are recommended for a healthy child or a child with minor/correctable health problems under six years of age, the SDAPRC is very likely to refuse even to accept and register your dossier.
Adoptive Parent’s Commitment to Register the Child and Provide Annual Reports to the Embassy or Consulate of Ukraine
This document must be prepared in duplicate and should include the following commitments:
to register the adopted child with the respective Consulate or Embassy of Ukraine (indicating the name and full address of the Consulate/Embassy);
to provide the adopted child with the opportunity to keep their Ukrainian citizenship until 18 years old;
to submit annual reports on the adopted child to the Consulate or Embassy of Ukraine at least once a year for the first three years after the adoption and once every three years afterwards, until the child’s 18th birthday;
to provide an opportunity to the representatives of the Consulate/Embassy of Ukraine to communicate with the adopted child;
to inform the Consulate/Embassy of Ukraine about any change of address of the adopted child.
Marriage Certificate
The SDAPRC will now require two notarized copies of marriage certificate, instead of one.
Proof of income
W-2 forms for the most recent six months or tax returns for the last calendar year, certified by the issuing authority or notarized.
Ownership/Rental Documents
Your adoption dossier must now include a notarized copy of the document confirming the ownership or rental rights of the adoptive parents for their house or apartment, indicating its total and living area as well as the number of bedrooms.
Other requirements and notes
The SDAPRC will not accept any notarized statements in place of W-2 forms or other proof of income; neither will they accept notarized statements/affidavits instead of the documents confirming the property rights.
On the date of submission of your documents to the SDAPRC they should remain valid for at least six months. Documents are valid for 12 months from the date of issuance or notarization, except for the I-171H form, which is valid for 18 months.
Priority for adoptions
The SDAPRC will give priority for submission of documents and scheduling appointments to the following adoptive parents:
biological relatives of the adopted child;
those who are applying for adoption of biological siblings of their previously adopted children;
adoptive parents applying for adoption of the children suffering from one of the health problems posted on our website at: [url=]United States Embassy in Ukraine - American Citizens Services[/url] These children are also not subject to one-year registration term at the central database for intercountry adoptions.
Maximum Number of Appointments with the SDAPRC
As of December 1, 2008 the SDAPRC will allow only three appointments to each adoptive family to look at the children’s files. If you have not chosen any children after the third appointment, your adoption dossier will be returned to you immediately. (Currently, the SDAPRC also limits the number of adoption referrals issued to each family to two referrals.) You need to submit a notarized statement to request a second appointment with your dossier to the SDAPRC and then they officially have ten business days to respond with the date of your second/third appointment.
Please note this information is provided as a general guidance only; all questions involving interpretation of specific Ukrainian adoption laws should be addressed to foreign legal counsel or your adoption service provider.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any additional questions.
Adoption Unit/Immigrant Visa Section
Consular Section
American Embassy
Kyiv, Ukraine
Tel: 38-044-4904422
Fax: 38-044-490-4570
[url=]United States Embassy in Ukraine - American Citizens Services[/url]
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We were a family that went to Ukraine for a child under the age of 5 - the end of 2007. There were no children and we waited in country for 2 months (into 2008) for a second appointment which we never received.
However, during those 2 months we did volunteer work in several orphanages in Western Ukraine. The orphanages are not empty and there are many healthy kids under the age of 6. The country has made a decision to make older children and younger children with medical issues available for international adoption. The rest of the children stay in the orphanages hoping that the programs for foster care and local adoption will work.
That said, the kids that were ages 7-9 were also adorable and really craving attention. We enjoyed the volunteer time we spent with them. If we weren't committed to adopting in birth order this would have been a viable program.