I post infrequently on the boards. Many of my old time friends can't post due to being found out by bioparents that have used this wonderful support group, against them. :eek:
Well, I even hesitate to write this, due to how many things have truly gone crazy with our case.
Our family has been on the adoption rollercoaster for over 6-years now. (A year to get our state and J-man's home state to talk about a relative placement, having to sue DHR for custody and winning, 2-years of custody, contested and failed adoption without losing our beloved son, 2-years of once in a blue-moon contact, 1 year+ of no contact- biomom in jail/psychward/turmoil and now.)
Well, I'm happy to report that biomom decided to sign relinquishment papers for us to adopt. (Biodad signed back during the contested adoption.) I'm happy and sad all at the same time. Finally some peace, yet can't believe this has gone on this long. (I will sleep better, when the revoking period is through. Jan 2nd will be the day I can finally breathe.) Biomom said it was a Christmas present to us. I think that's what bothers me. This wonderful human being isn't a "present". He's a living, breathing, human being that only knows us as his parents and is very stable. He's not something that can be "given", but we're so grateful that she did sign.
After the heck she's put us through over the years, I honestly never thought I would have sympathy for her, but I do. She signed papers for all 3-of her children within one-day. We actually only had the papers drawn up for her to sign on a "just in case" type situation. (She said she'd sign, but she's said that many times before and refused for various reasons- wanted to watch a movie instead/ didn't feel like it/ wanted to watch us suffer/ wanted him back/ didn't want him back..... UGH) She did sign, but now I think I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop. Will she revoke?
I guess only time will tell. We will just take everything one-day-at-a-time.
Well, we have filed with the courts and the revocation period is over. Our attorney actually wants to have her served, so we can dot our I's and cross our t's. :eek:
Unfortunately after Christmas, she went back to the state she was living in, and nobody truly knows where she's at. She calls her mom about once a week, but doesn't have an address and won't give one for where she's been staying.
I'm still not quite sure if we can breathe yet. LOL. I'll update when I know more.
I can now breathe. IT'S FINALLY OVER!!!!! :banana:
We went to court this morning and the judge signed. She told us (as well as our attorney) that we dotted all of our "i"s and crossed all of our "t"s and we are finalized. Our heck has come to an end.
Thank you all so much for the prayers and support. This has been almost 7-years in the making from notification, to custody, to contested adoption, to regular adoption, to finalization. I never thought we'd be able to say, "WE'RE ON THE OTHER SIDE!!!! WOO HOO!!!!!" :clap:
:thanks: Thank you so much. I don't think we've stopped smiling yet and probably won't for a long time. We're over the moon. :cheer: :banana:
Our son woke up this morning telling us that he knew what he's going to be when he grew up.... he's going to be Mr. "______" (Our last name). It was so sweet.