Seeking older brother, born Nov 4 1963, 11/4/1963. Born as Baby Boy Burns, mother's maiden name Clegg, San Francisco, CA.
Adoption handled through Children's Home Society of California. Mutual consent registry (CA AD Form 904A) has been filed, but no match turned up.
Best of luck to you in finding your brother.
Just wondering if your brother knows he has sibling(s)? I often find myself wondering if I have any siblings out there. The mutual consent thing won't do any good if siblings don't know about eachother. So frustrating.
You are right mutual consent does nothing if never told you can do it or as in my case never knew I had siblings either. I will keep trying though found 3 sisters and a deceased brother, we have a situation where mother is using her step father's name as her maiden name which if you don't know this the kids are gonna think she was Irish when she was actually Indian/gypsy. I apparently have many more siblings to find more girls and 1 boy from what I can determine maybe born in Cal like most of us or possibly out of state. Very frustrating without names and dates. Keep trying though cause I found aunts and uncles still alive and it's been great.