My fiance is not the biological father of our daughter but was with me during the whole pregnancy and their for her birth and is here for her financially and emotionally and when we get married he wants her to take his last name. The bio father moved to Utah (I am in Georgia) a month after she was conceived. He said on the day of her birth that he wanted to be a part of her life but has not contacted me since. For my fiance to adopt her, what steps can we take? If her bio father does not agree is their a way to fight it or get around it since he did not sign her birth certificate? Thanks for any help, I greatly appreciate it.
My husband and I are starting the process now for a step-parent adoption. My daughter's biological father is not on her birth certificate nor is he legally linked to her. HOWEVER, I still must have his permission for my husband to adopt my daugther so he cannot come back later wanting his rights back. If you go around the biological father either the court won't approve the adoption or the father can come back later demanding his rights be given back to him since he did not give permission to the adoption. It can be a mess for the family and child.