Hi!! I found this site today and thought I would introduce myself. I'm not sure if this is the right place to do so, but this is a huge site, and I get lost easily :p
I'm a college student in OK, and I'm mostly just looking to learn about physically disabled children. I have had my interest sparked in physical disabilities in the past year or so (not real sure where it came from). I'm going to school for architecture, and one day I want to be able to make a difference in the lives of those that have special physical needs, whether it's implementing something into existing buildings to make their lives easier, or building for someone with a disability.
It will be years before I have children of my own or adopt, but I would like to do both. For now I just want to learn.
I do have a few questions, though. (As if that wasn't long winded enough :P ) I have been reading posts, and there are several abbreviations that I haven't been able to figure out. If anyone cares to share what they stand for, it would be greatly appreciated!! ^_^
FAS/FAE (fetal alcohol syndrome??)
PT and/or OT
Also, I saw someone say that their child wore AFOs?
Last one...what does DH stand for? I know it's along the line of 'significant other' and I have seen it on other forums, but I don't have the slightest clue... :o I just found the acronyms tab at the top there... that would answer the 'DH' question, but it doesn't cover many of the acronyms for the disorders/disabilities.
Feel free to ask questions! I have kids who are pysically disabled and have other issues. Lets see the abbriviations
FAS - Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
FAE - Fetal alcohol effects
RAD - Reactive attachment disorder (this happens to children who don't learn to attach to a primary caregiver in the first few months of life and carries a whole host of issues)
TPR - Termination of parental rights (you can't adopt a child from foster care until their first parents parental rights are terminated)
PT - Pysical therapy
OT - Occupational therapy (this heps with things like learning to feed ones self with a spoon, dressing skills, etc)
AFO- I can't remember exactly what it stands for, but they are orhthotics, braces that the child wears under a shoe, but over the sock, to help properly position a foot.
Anyway fee free to ask as many questions as you want, and welcome!
Thank you! I was reading those and it seems like I should have been able to figure some of them out, but it *was* 6 something in the morning and I hadn't slept yet... :P
Thanks for the explanations as well. I have been lurking and reading some of the threads, and that definitely makes things a bit more clear ^_^
there are a list of abbreviations at the bottom of the page if you can find it. It's been a long time since I looked, but I know it's at the bottom of some page. I commend you for wanting to help and wish you the best of luck. :rockband: Take care of yourself.
hope this helped:thankyou: