Hey everyone
I have just completed my adoption of my fd - I had her since she was two weeks old and she is now 17 months old. Here is my concerns.
Both her parents are considered low functioning. At 4 months she tested and was normal of above on all tests. Now at 17 months she is borderline in her gross motor skills - low average on her fine moter skills and low average on her expressive language skills. She has been furniture walking for several months but has not let go. I guess my concerns is could this be an indication she is going to have the same issues as her parents or what?? I am trying not to put to much emphasis on this one brief analysis but again I don't want to not pay enough attention to it either.
Should I jump on it and get super aggressive in my treatment or should I just relax and see if she progresses on her on. I thought maybe others that had been in my shoes could tell me what they think.
Has she been evaluated recently by Early Intervention and/or a developmental peditrician or neuro? If not, call for the EI eval and have them come out. She sounds like she would qualify for PT, OT and ST. If she does end up with a ASD diagnosis, the EARLIER you start working with her, the faster she will progress and there is less chance for regression. My son was diagnosed at 3 and I think he would be farther if we had not "wait to see" as our peditrician recommended.:hissy:
Just in case, if you don't know how to contact EI, call your local elementary.
My son wasn't diagnosed until he was 3 1/2 and I think he would be doing better if he had started therapies sooner. Call early intervention and set up an eval. If nothing else they will tell you that she is fine and that should put your mind at ease. But if there is something going on then they can point you in the right direction.