Why must they respond to trolly posts?? Why???
I deleted Pinkstar's posts that attacked Eomaia and send a PM to Pinkstar in an attempt to enlighten her as to why I removed her post and to stop feeding the trolls. Also posted on the thread in another vain attempt at trying to educate the poor souls on how to use the report button, how to not feed the trolls and to stop responding to ignorant posts.
I don't know how to send somebody to Coventry so I sent an email to Megan and told her about it. Not sure if she will do it.
I just got a PM from Raven that eomaea has been getting PM's asking her to stop. Raven said it was threatening. But the threat was that if she keeps posting the stuff she has been on the foster parents board (like telling them they are all baby stealers) that they will report her to the new mods and she will eventually get banned. I don't really see that as a personal threat as an explanation of what will happen to her. I kind of think she honestly doesn't get her kinship case is different from normal foster parenting. (if her story is even true, which I am unsure of since details seem to change) I am not sure what to do. I told Raven to advise her to be more careful of what she posts until things settle down and the new admin is on board.
Here is the PM thread right now.
It's backwards, so you will have to go to the bottom to read the original. I am in a bad mood right now so I am not responding. Because in the mood I am now I might just ban them both .
Lorraine, thank you for looking it over. I know that some of her posts can sound rather offensive, especially as a "bio" on the FP boards. I was floored, to be honest, when I read the PM she forwarded to me yesterday. I didn't realize that it's acceptable behavior to tell another member that you're making it your life's goal to get you permanently banned if you don't go away.
I'm sure there are a lot of people here who would just as soon get rid of me too, but I assumed that ganging up on a member to get them banned would be against the rules. I've seen this scenario play out a hundred times at other forums that I've administered or moderated, with people who don't like other members reporting posts they take offense at and continually nitpicking at the unpopular member, hoping that we would ban the member in question for requiring too much moderation. It's a fairly common tactic to get rid of someone.
I know that Eomaia at times gets close to crossing the line with the foster parents. But I have to admit that I respect her for her courage in coming here at all. I know I could never do it if I had lost my kiddos to CPS.
Originally Posted by momraine
Right now I am very limited in what I can do until the new owners figure out what they are doing. There are only three of us left and we have no leader. I will let the new people know of the situation. To be honest, she has brought some of this on herself. I have deleted posts where she called all foster parents baby stealers. The foster parents have no say in the custody arrangements of kids. That is up to social workers and judges, not the foster parents. Her case is kinship which is very different from normal foster parenting. We have let the new people know about the issues with her and the others on that board. It would be best of she was careful about what she said for the time being until we get the new people in place.
Originally Posted by RavenSong
Lorraine, this was forwarded to me this evening by eomaia, and after speaking to her, she consented to me forwarding it on to you. I believe that the original PM can be considered a direct threat, even bullying, which is against TOS. There is a group of FPs who are going to try to get her permanently banned, and I really don't think that's right. I know you have a level head and are a good person, so I suggested sending it to you. Normally I'd send it to the Admiinistrator, but since Crick is no longer here, I told her that you would know how to handle it.
Originally Posted by eomaia
Originally Posted by shazwott
The foster parents on this board do not want you here. While you have a unique perspective on foster care, this is not the appropriate forum to voice it. We are here to relate to one another as people who are going through the same situations and to uplift and support one another. You are here to work through your own loss, and this is not an appropriate place for that. Your posts are offensive and disruptive and i have blocked you, so don't bother responding to this PM, or posting a message on the board, as I will never see it. I am telling you what others are too polite to say. Please get a therapist instead of using our boards. If you do not leave on your own, rest assured than when we get a new moderator, I will make it my own personal life's goal to ensure that your posts get removed and you get banned.
I'm really sorry that anyone would PM another member and threaten them that way. So dang annoying. This si way we have mods and we try to get people to let us handle it. I'm going to make a post about sending threatening type PM's and what will happen if any more get forwarded to us as Mods. That's so uncalled for.