There is no such thing as a non id number. As a NC adoption you are LEGALLY ENTITLED to your Non Identifying Information at NO cost. The Non Id gives your birthmom's age, education, siblings, family medical information and possibly some grandparent info. Your bmom's age at the very least is needed to search.
In order to get your Non Id, when you dont know the agency you should request your Non Identifying Information, state your adoptive parent's names, your adoptive name, and your birth date and address it as follows:
No. Carolina DHHS
Adoption Indexing
2411 MSC
Raleigh, NC 27699-2411
Or you can call Anna Hamburg at 919-334-1269 in Raleigh and she can tell you the agency .
Of course, if you already know the placement agency, write directly to them.
This will take 6 weeks at the very least and it is the information given at the time the bmom applied for help in placing baby for adoption.
One other tip, try to remember if you change your screen address be sure you UPDATE all your postings with your new screen address. I often spend more time searching for the one who posted than I do for the birthmom they are looking for...all because they don't update their screen address or phone number.
Did you also know the state puts down the county of residence of the adoptive parents as the birth place of the adoptee?
Have you registered with the Do you know about the NCCAR? a group that is fighting for
open records for adult adoptees? Please look their site and learn how you can help with letters, etc.
Get on their mailing list so you know what's happening.