I am very thankful everyday to my birthmomma having the genorsity to give me life!
I know that because she was not married when I was born she by all rights could have had an abortion and that giving me up was giving me life and love!
I thank God every day that I am not an abortion and it makes me appreciate every moment more than I would if I had been a wanted and loved child.
I know that if my adoptive parents had not been so generous to take me in and raise me, I wouldn't be the woman I am today.
It is good that you have this forum where we can take the time to appreciate and recognize how lucky we are to be alive and stop complaining how some people don't like being adopted.
I mean think about it, we should just be lucky to be alive and who cares about the otherstuff!:eyebrows: :rockband: :earth:
I am very thankful everyday to my birthmomma having the genorsity to give me life!
I know that because she was not married when I was born she by all rights could have had an abortion and that giving me up was giving me life and love!
I thank God every day that I am not an abortion and it makes me appreciate every moment more than I would if I had been a wanted and loved child.
I know that if my adoptive parents had not been so generous to take me in and raise me, I wouldn't be the woman I am today.
It is good that you have this forum where we can take the time to appreciate and recognize how lucky we are to be alive and stop complaining how some people don't like being adopted.
I mean think about it, we should just be lucky to be alive and who cares about the otherstuff!:eyebrows: :rockband: :earth:
I think some of these are separate issues that overlap. I am very grateful for my bmom, and what she did. I am grateful to my family, who is wonderful. None of that negates the fact that adoption has some flaws, and leave adoptees with questions and things that only the bfamily can help with. That part, I'm not so grateful for as not everyone will be lucky enough to get that chance. For me, when I look at the issues, I have a lot more to be grateful for than not, and even those things I wish I could change make me a stronger, hopefully more compassionate person.