Thank you to everyone!
The sixth month mark of how long we have had our foster son is coming up
within a few weeks. I thought the TPR was filed already but I guess it
wasn't because of changes in the birth mother's status.
My question is that as we were given the update today it also said that the
birth mother may be willing to consider a voluntary TPR with the conditions
that she be allowed to see him several times per year and that he have
continued contact with his brothers and we are to let the SW know are
thoughts, issues, concerns. I have no issues or concerns with contact with
brothers other than how to do so, where, and simple things like that.
When I originally asked the SW about contact with birth mother after
adoption she advised against it.
What would be your thoughts, issues, or concerns?
Right off the bat I can say that the man she wants to marry is a legal sex
offender.that is a big concern and her contact being supervised is likely
the only kind I would be ok with.
I think the other main concern is her mental state and how she sees life
without much responsibility wouldn't make her a very good roll model but I
don't know how that should effect contact if she does care about him.
Other than when visits where at her home and he smelled like smoke and was
effected by that for a while afterwards I haven't had any issues with how he
is after visits other than him wanting visits when she isn't around or
contactable and than being let down by that. She has disappeared numerous
times. He has lately gone to visits and come home happily and although
shares little about b-mom and the visits will talk about his brother much.
Thanks so much for any advise or ideas you can provide!!!