Hi Everyone,
I talked to our social worker. We will be having a telling on the 14-month-old girl some time this week to hear the "nitty-gritty." The little girl is named Miriam (her mom's name). She is half Egyptian and half caucasion. She was living with a cousin, and the cousin up and moved back to Egypt with out telling anyone!
Miriam's mother is "low-functioning" and doesn't get parenting. At her visits, she keeps asking if her daughter has been adopted yet.
The maternal grandmother is in the picture, but is very "inappropriate" according to our social worker in terms of her behavior/drama.
Okay, so how do I prepare myself and my husband for the telling? I know that 99.9% of kids in adoption come from some very ugly circumstances. How did you handle it?
Thanks! Cara
I had my kids for almost 2 years before the telling, and I thought i knew all there was to know, but i was still surprised by some of it..
Think of it this way, if someone described you in a page or two, based on your familys history, how would it look to a stranger?
The child is just over a year old, same as my daughter was when she came home to me, and still young enough to learn your ways.. don't judge her by her parents/families backgrounds..
Thats the best advice i can give, good luck!