I saw my daughter on line I instant messager "How are you doing?" NO REPLY. waited a few minutes instant messager " I am so sorry for bothering you" again NO REPLY!!! I e-mailed her gave myspace acct so she can read my blogs.I sent a freind request still nothing. I want to write her a letter, you now how many letter I wrote to her than threw them a away cause I don't have then slighest idea to what to write. I am just as sacred and confused just like she is. I have questions for her too, but that little voice in my head say "you gave up that right to ask any questions." Then I thought maybe if I email her sister(adpoted) tell her that i just want to talk to julie to please talk to her, but then I shouldn't invole her sister that this between me and julie. Her godmother sent me pictures of her oh my god she is BEAUTIFUL!!!!! I go to other sites to see if she has posted anything about meeting me, my husband says I'm over reacting. the thing is I HAVE NO ONE to talk about how I feel i have alot of emotions going on also. I e-mailed julie that I have waited 21 yrs for her I can wait 21 more yrs, but heres my question she posted here to find me,so why won't julie connact me. Everyone says be patince I've been patince for 21 yrs, but if she posted to find me found why won't she connact me???? everynite i pray to the lord above to please have her connact me. If I do write her a letter what do I say. will she read it? or see how its from throw the letter away? do I enclose pixs of myself? What to do?