She says in the first line that she hasn't been here in ages, but it is a new account and her first post? [url][/url]
Do I PM her and ask if she just opened a second account?
She responded and can't remember her first user name and it was just 'easier' to create a new one.
Umm, yeah. But it is against the terms of service. :grr:
She thought it might have been TXGRL but I checked and that wasn't it. Is it possible to match the IP address to find her old user name?
The ip only matches the new account. I looked at all the Txgrl type usernames but didn't see anything that matched her info. I tried using her first & last name too but all that came up was her current account.Please ask her what her previous email address was that she might have used to register the old account with. I can find it that way too.Ya,