They had been adopted and i would like to try and find them.I think about them all the time and want to fill the void in my heart . anyone know how to do this ?:
Do you know any of the following: birth date, place of birth, hospital, agency or state placed? You don't need all of it but the more info the better. 1. Check the registry on this site (under the reunite tab). Post your search on the same registry. Be open to small differences in dates etc, sometimes things are changed or memories fail. Not sure if you could do a dna test being a cousin but worth looking into if you have questions or a sibling or parent is not available to test. 2. Search the other free registries on the internet. Google ISRR and submit your search to them (they only contact if they have a match). 3. Check with the state government website and see if they have a reunion registry. 4. Longshot but check the newspaper in the city they were born in on their birthday under personal section and look for a message there. Good luck,Dickons