Can each of you post a thread today specifically on adoption issues or adoption awareness month? Either topic is fine, just want it related to adoption in some way. I don't mind a poll or fun thread either, just again...relate it to adoption.
Brook - Special Needs forum
Debbie - GAPS
Lynda - Foster Support
Kathy - Bparent Support
Karen - Adoptee Support
Rainey - GAPS
(doing two in GAPS, since it is our most active forum for the most part)
Thanks y'all! :clap:
I'm trying! I have googled 17 things trying to come up with a 'never been done before' idea (or even 'not been done this week') but it isn't happening. Just not feeling creative today, I guess. But I will come up with something! Eventually.
I google for stuff all the time! Especially used it for those Friday Fives I used to do. What about starting an "adoption process" or "adoption education" song? Pick a known song, start it off and have others chime in with the next verse. Like "Jingle Bells"..."Hoping to adopt...I've no clue where to start";) Personally I think you haven't eaten enough...chocolate IS the main source of creativity you know. I bet that pumpkin is preventing the spark.;)