so i've been reading quite a bit about kids who rage on this forum.
i have a 4.5 year old girl, who has the occasional rage where she'll throw things off her bed into the middle of the floor, start dumping toys there, when she is angry.
on occasion, she'll rip pages out of a book - totally makes me crazy. she has tried to hit me a couple times lately.
i'll say it's more likely when she's tired. i don't really think i have a "problem", but just curious what people think is normal. and when did you know you had a problem?
dd has been with me since age 6 months.
my daughter now almost 7 started "raging" at about 3 years old and I didnt know what the heck to think!! She also threw things and tried to hit/scratch me and never showed any remorse but once she turned 5 she didnt do it as much and now is very apologetic as soon as she does it, she has been dx with adhd and the impulse control is an issue especially when she is tired or overwhelmed. We just put her in her room for a cooling off and when she was done, she could come out. we try not to put too much attention on it minimize it when we can. she never does it with anyone else or at school .