Wow! This inducing lactation thing is harder than I expected! I had stopped birth control began pumping and continued the Domperidone 20mg 4 times a day. I also began to take Fenugreek and Blessed Thistle. I was getting up to about a half an ounce at the most and had started to notice some spray! Very exciting!
Then...I ran out of Domperidone and the pharmacy suddenly wouldn't take Mastercard so I had to mail a check and wait for them to mail me the prescription. I was out of Domperidone for about a week and a half. I slowly watched my progress fade away. I would get less and less each time I pumped until it was just drops and then it became like that clear stuff that you get at the beginning.
I did get my new order yesterday and now when I pump I am really not getting anything but maybe a tiny drip. I am super frustrated! I actually e-mailed the asklenore website and she responded that I should just keep pumping. It's just such a downer when I felt I was making progress and now nothing! :(
Sorry just had to vent and it's not something that I want to talk to most people about. I just hope I can get it back so this hasn't been a total waste!
I think it's coming back!!! Woohoo! It is a lot more watery looking so hopefully as I continue to pump it will become more white and I will begin to increase the amount. Yay! very exciting!
keep going! It wouldnt even hurt to up it to 120 a day. Thats where I am at and several others that I have talked to. Even if you take that until your supply is increased again and then slowly go down again. Good luck!