I know this is stupid, but I'll ask anyway. My husband and I would really like to adopt an infant or child no older than 6 and considered private adoption but the fees involved are extreme. The cost is why we opted to pursue certification through the state (almost done with that). :thankyou:
My question is, if fostering to adopt does not work out for us, how are private adoption fees usually paid? Combined, we both make a pretty decent salary and can afford to "pay as we go" but can't afford to plop $20k on the table all at once for private adoption fees. And while on the subject, does anyone know if our State homestudy would be accepted in a private adoption? Thanks
We ended up using a Home Equity Loan for about half of it since the entire process took less than a year. Usually you have to pay for the homestudy, application fee, and an upfront fee (I think it was called a marketing fee at our agency). That was about $12k. We saved that money first. The match fee and attorney fees were due 11 months later when we were matched-they were also about $12k. We spent another $3k or so on travel expenses and incidentals which we put on our credit card.
For us, we knew we would put DD in daycare at some point which cost around $250 a week. So we just started saving money like we would be paying for daycare. I'm a planner so I needed to know we would have the money available if we were matched immediately so we set up the home equity loan and made sure our credit cards were paid off.
We just took it one step at a time. $500 for application. $1500 a month later (economic stimulus 2007:clap:) We were planning to apply for grants and loans but turns out we didn't have time!! Our baby girl was already born and waiting for us in the NICU a few miles from where we took our classes. When the agency emailed us to ask if we were interested, we were honest with them that we did not have our $ together yet so they waived half of it!!! Totally unexpected, but she was considered special needs so they were having a hard time finding families who would take the risk. We are sooo glad we did, our DD is a walking, talking miracle. She is pure joy! We got a loan from a family member and paid them back a year later when we got our adoption tax credit and two others just gave us money! We never ask anyone, they just volunteered it. We were amazed. God sure does know what he is doing. Glad we had the faith to jump in with both feet cuz we really didn't know how we would ever come up with 25K!! lol Our inlaws thought we had lost our minds!
No, a private agency will want to do their own home study.
Thank you guys. We will look into home equity to add to the money we've managed to save and hopefully that will be enough. Do you guys think adoption agencies will give me a truthful estimate of fees to expect if I contact them for information? I've heard horror stories about estimates being woefully under estimated by agencies which cost couples thousands.
Thanks again.
Our adoption agency sent us a packet of information via email that included a pay schedule. We had to pay 1/2 up front and 1/2 when we were matched. They also told us what was not included, homestudy, travel and lawyers fees, so we knew exacly what we had to pay before we signed the contract with them. I would make sure you know exactly what you are going to have to pay before you sign with them. Good Luck.
I certainly wouldnt sign up with an agency that isnt upfront with their fees. We had to pay an application fee, then the homestudy fee, and then after the baby is born, and the TPR is signed, we pay the remaining balance. the only way we would end up paying more is if we agreed to pay for some expenses for birthmom above and beyond what we have set in stone already.
we borrowed money from my MIL for the adoption and are paying her back a certain amount each month until its payed in full. if we wouldnt have borrowed it from her, we would've saved every penny we could till we got enough to start the process. I didnt want to be a dime short. A year later, we still arent matched, but it has given us some time to save up more money and pay down the loan from my MIL. We took out a HEL to pay for our one and only round of IVF, otherwise we would've done a HEL for our adoption if possible. rach
The agencies should be able to tell you their fees upfront and a schedule of when they need to be paid. We can't pay living expenses to Bparents in our state and medical and legal fees, which are allowed, were included in our agency fee. It was a sliding scale fee based on income and a lot of the agencies do it this way so if you tell them your salary, you should be able to get a good idea.
We had to pay a small application fee, then the home study fee due the beginning of the home study process. Then a non-refundable deposit (percentage of the total placement fee) once we got into the waiting pool. Then balance of the placement fee was due on the day of placement (in fact they told us to bring an empty car seat and a check).
Good luck!