Has anyone worked with or heard of Kids To Adopt adoption agency out of Washington? I am looking to adopt a special needs toddler from Russia and would like an agency review?
Also, anyone adopted a Russian child with cleft palate that was tied to a syndrome like Pierre Robin's or Treacher Collins? Would I be able to tell from her medical and photo? Or, how do I know it's not linked to alcohol abuse by the mother?
We are looking at Kids to Adopt as well. Also, Little Miracles and Beacon House. PM me with info on any of these agencies.
Anyone looking for info on KTA, can write me privately. I used them for my 2 Russian adoptions. Can fill you in.
Sorry, what is KTA? i am new here and would like agency info for adoption in Russia!!! Very confused and overwhelmed!! Also i am new to this site, sorry. Thanks!!!