Hi, Im hoping to get some general time frames and info regarding what happens next. Today was J's last visit with the FC CW and he has been switched to the adoption worker. TPR is done and appeal deadline will be up on Friday.
So now what? The adoption CW said that as a FC that has been in our home for 2 years this case wont go to the SNAP committee and will be "pretty easy". We do have an attorney that the CW said is "the best". The adoption CW said he would send us a packet with questionaires to complete and then we would be contacted for the adoption homestudy. How is this different from the foster care homestudy. I asked if we needed to start compiling any info and he said as long as criminal historys and backgrounds are up to date we would be good. (they are-we just renewed them in December).
We had completed the permanency classes (11 and 12) when we were licensed as foster parents and we did the mmpi. Are there any other things that you guys know of that we will need to do.
I have a friend that just completed an adoption (not through foster care) and she needed all kinds of documentation. Life, health, auto insurance info, credit checks, bank statements, etc. Don't we need this info? Or is it different for foster care?
Were just hoping to keep on top of everything and make this process smooth. (Is that possible?)
Thanks for any info you might have.
We didn't have to have another homestudy done for either of our adoptions....they just updated our foster care one to reflect a little bit of info on the kids. Our license had just been renewed in Dec too, with one adoption last year and another this March.
However, we never had an adoption worker was all handled by the ongoing foster care case manager, and the homestudy stuff by the licensing worker.
We didn't have to supply any other documentation, as what was needed had been gathered at the license update a few months prior.