Hi, I have read this forum on and off lately. We live in SA and the foster care system works a bit different so bear with me if things sound weird.
We have been involved with a local home for some time. One of the girls, 13, has not done too well at previous weekend or foster houses. We then started the process to become weekend parents to this girl.
We have a 5 year old bio d that we love to bits and thought it well to share some of this love. Because of the age difference and C record at other houses we went in to this very cautious but with alot of commitment.
It has not always been moonshine and roses, but overall C is doing really well with us and for the first time in her life she is asking to be permenantly placed, so we have now decided to consider foster caring her.
The SW contacted us today to discuss FC, the meeting is on Thursday, we were only scheduled for end August.
I want her to come and I'm glad that she might come even sooner than expected, but I'm also anxious now that it's going to be so permanent. It's one thing having her every weekend but another having her permanently.
Am I stupid or what?