No idea where this might go, but I wanted to share this with the community. Thanks :)
I am a foster mom
I am a foster mom. I love daily and deeply. I wear my heart on my sleeve.
I am a foster mom. I answer to people who don't care about my baby nearly as much as I care about her.
I am a foster mom. I do what I am told, unable to make decisions most parents take for granted.
I am a foster mom. I sit through meetings where people whose job is entrenched in bureaucracy decide the fate of my baby and me.
I am a foster mom. I delight in seeing my husband being a daddy, if only for a little while.
I am a foster mom. The world looks at us and sees nothing out of the ordinary; I look through the eyes of fostering, and I see nothing ordinary about the world.
I am a foster mom. I hear others call me my baby's mother, full knowing that in reality, I am not.
I am a foster mom. I make future plans with my baby girl not knowing if they will come to fruitition.
I am a foster mom. I take pictures and videos and more pictures, because I know that soon that is all I will have left of my baby girl.
I am a foster mom. I don't worry about "spoiling" my baby when I let her fall asleep in my arms every night, because I will never have this time with her again.
I am a foster mom. I am blessed to have been trusted with this precious little girl for the time that I have her.
I am a foster mom. I do not know the day or hour that will be my last with my baby girl.
I am a foster mom. I will lose my daughter.
I am a foster mom.