I've browsed waiting child photolistings and it seems NJ does not post photos of children on the internet. I can certainly understand protecting a child's privacy (which I'm assuming is why it's not done here). But how does one find a child? Or more aptly, how does one "advertise" a child? Is it through referral only?
NJ severed all ties with the Heart Gallery, so if there are still listings of NJ children there, they probably are quite outdated. However, the NJ site which is linked above does feature children currently available for adoption (and I believe the NJ site ultimately will link you automatically to the AdoptUSKids site, which you can also go to directly to search). There are many many older children who are waiting for forever homes. I know some personally through my work with them in the system. If any of you on these boards are interested in adopting an older child, please please go look on these sites. Time is running out for some of them!