On ICPC approval now childrens worker said it might take 60 days:hissy: I don't understand it is so hard to adopt anyone know how long it does take for approval from recieving?
We had a delay after approval as well. Our state approved. They sent the approval to central office in other state to be processed. Central office then sent to local office. Local office then acts on it
I think it took 2-3 weeks for us
It might be worth asking where the delay is. Are they awaiting a court ruling? It can't be school. Do they want to tell the kids and slowly transition for their sake?
Hang in there :cheer:
No sending state approved now waiting for our state which is recieving state FL, for approval. No we have to wait approval before we can see the children in WA. I think it is crazy, I want to see them now but worker said to wait until approval, So we have to wait has anyone else went thru florida ICPC and it went fast?
:cheer: I couldn't wait any longer so i emailed the ICPC office here in Florida & i got a response the ICPC just recieved our forms from sending state WA and they are requesting an updated homestudy, so i need to contact our worker so we can get an update sent to them so we can get our approval that is all they are waiting for then we can have the childrens worker book our flight to see our kids in September . Has anyone had an updated homestudy what do they usually do and do you have to get fingerprinted and background clearances again?:banana:
No sending state approved now waiting for our state which is recieving state FL, for approval. No we have to wait approval before we can see the children in WA. I think it is crazy, I want to see them now but worker said to wait until approval, So we have to wait has anyone else went thru florida ICPC and it went fast?
No we have to wait until approval then we can fly to Washington to see them, i email ICPC here in Florida they said that they electronically sent our package to local support services yesterday and i contacted support services and they said someone has to do our update and it will be a quick process, so i am waiting for them to contact me about the update, do you know with a update do we have to get fingerprinted again, backgrounds checks and home visit, references? I hope not then we probably wouldn't see the children around Sept. 8th, I hope and pray this goes quick so we can visit them.:hissy:
We found out that we do have to fingerprint and get backgrounds clearance local checks and all of the fun stuff you have to do do get homestudy updated then it's off to ICPC for approval then when we get the ok we can meet the kids but it won't be until October so we have another long month to go, if nothing else happens to postpone this meeting. Charlene
It took 2 weeks for Louisiana to approve and send to FL. (Sending state is FL). That was July 1st. now we are still waiting for placement. Ours is a long drawn out story. But the ICPC office if FL, told me that with FL being the sending state, the agency in FL has 6 months, (yup I know crazy) to place the child. But each state is different. If it was reversed (LA as the sending) the state of Louisiana has only 30 days to place a child. I with it was all standard. Would make less drama for everyone.
I spoke to ICPC here in Fl and they told me as soon as they recieve updated homestudy from agency they will approve and send it to sending state ASAP so we have to wait for worker which she is not here in the state so hopefully we will here from her soon so we can complete the visit and she can type up new study then we will make our trip to WA to see the kids.