in regards to the original thread- this is the thread that was a mess. [url][/url] she asked for it to be closed. but now she is starting a new one and promising she wont reply. we normally do not allow a thread to be rehashed after it is closed.. so i closed this one too.
any objections? if not, should i delete it...or is closing it enough?
I think it's fine the way it is. People know the outcome without rehashing the same crap from the previous thread. I know we don't allow a new post that springs from a closed post, but in this case, I think it's ok unless someone with a bigger stick says to delete it.
Just leave it closed. That's really lame on her part, imo - a kind of hit and run approach. But whatever - she dug that grave and now if she gets a zillion pm's about it, that's her problem.
I love to read your guy's conversations. They always make me smile. I like how you all have fun and support each other - it is great.
We do have fun saying the things we all think but can't say in the forums!
so true :) :) :)