Anyone in here doing Kinship care? I was approaced today about my willingness to have my current case possibility converting to kinship care. How is it different from foster care. I know it provide permenant guardianship but do the rules of foster care still apply. Can we travel out of state without permission? Do you need permission from parents for everything?
Thanks for any info you can provide. The DYFS website is not very helpful.
My question for you would be, if your considering KLG, why wouldnt you consider adoption?
Legally, a worker from DYFS should have or will provide you with a fact sheet with the differences between KLG and adoption and the specifics pertaining to either decision...but in case they havent yet....
Legally if you choose adoption:
- DYFS will persue termination of perental rights
-You are give ALL the rights and resposibilities of the child
-You decide whether or not you would like birth parents to have visitation
-You decided a plan for the child if you pass away
-You may change the childs name
Legally in KLG:
-The court makes decisions regarding custody... AT ANY TIME A BIRTH PARENT CAN PETITION TO HAVE CUSTODY RETURNED TO THEM
-Birth parents rights are usually not terminated, if down the road you want to adopt them or have the parent rights terminated YOU PAY THE COURT COSTS, and DYFS can not assist you.
-You are given legal responsibility of the child regarding custody and supervision
-The court has the right to determine birth parent visitation
- If you can no longer provide KLG in the future, DYFS not you, will decide where to place the child
Financially in Adoption:
-Subsidy rate is negotiated w DYFS and can be increased if needed.
-subsidy can have services/support service included for the child
-daycare can be provided by DYFS
-Federal tax credit recieved
-can recieve old age, survivors, disability insurance in addition to subsidy
-Child may recieve death or disablity benefits from birth parents even after adopted
-subsidy payments remain with the child should the adoptive parent pass away.
Financially in KLG:
-Subsidy rate is set at KLG and CANNOT be increased
-Does not include subsidy for special supports or services
-Daycare not provided, community resources may be avaiable if guidlines are met
-Not tax credit
-Cannot be payee for any benefits derived from parents ie SSI, child support
-will not recieve federal old age, survivors, or disability benefits for child
Medical for Adoption:
-all title iv e adoption assistance elidgable children recieve coverage
Medical with KLG:
-Only nj medicaid is gaurenteed...incase u move out of state
also....with klg as well as adoption, u have the right to make all major decisions ie, school, medical treatment, travel...
personally, if I was given the option between the two I would definetly adopt unless there is something stopping you???
Thanks for the info. Adoption would be my first choice but I think DYFS is leaning in the direction of KLG over TPR at the moment. As always anything can happen. I was not reallty familiar with KLG and the DYFS website was not terribly helpful. Thank you so much for breaking it down for me.