I was told by the case manager to find respite for once a month or so for a break from the youngest FS (he is 3 which is my least favorite age and has tantrum/anger issues sometimes). I was shocked that my homefinder said: "We try to arrange emergency respite, but ask the foster parents to meet other's to assist them in a regular respite provider." Where do I meet others? This site is great but the people here are from all over the State. Any suggestions on Marion County (prefer southside)?
PM'd you. I have a friend on the southside who said she'd be willing. She's been a foster parent for almost 5 years. Her house rivals Toys R Us! :D
On here, several Marion County ppl, trainings - be sure and talk to people. Ask your cw if she knows any other fp who do respite. Ask Lakin . . .lol
Just a bump for this. I have been given 3 names so far, none of which can help me out. I really need a break - at least from the 3 year old for a weekend. Anyone know anybody near Marion County that could do respite or know where to find someone?? HELP! :)
We asked our caseworker, and she was able to provide us with a name that worked out. I know Marion County is different as it's so big. Are there any support groups in your area?
around here we aren't even allowed to choose our own respite.. The cw does it and we have no input :( Sorry! I hope you can get something figured out soon!
My homefinder (who i was told to talk to about it) says they only find it for you if it is an emergency. She suggested I "network" and ask around I am :-( Pass the word for me. Guessing Marion County caseworkers are just overloaded...? Booooo! If I don't get a break from the 3 extra kids soon I am (seriously) going to go insane!