Okay folks... I'm dying to hear your opinions on this one. Most of the people I know thought it was a joke but nooooo it isn't. LOL! If you knew Ebonics would you apply for one of those jobs or not? I'm a member of an AA forum and there was a mix of opinions. Some would take a the job and some wouldn't because of their pride. I'll admit I do know Ebonics but not the kind they need for this job. And no I didn't learn it when I was child... my mother would never allow it in her house. I learned it as an adult. Terms or phrases change quickly as they become known to mainstream society so that's why the DEA needs translators.
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DEA wants to hire Ebonics translators
By Carol Cratty, Ashley Hayes and Phil Gast, CNN
(CNN) -- Wanted by the Drug Enforcement Administration: Ebonics translators.
It might sound like a punch line, as "Ebonics" -- the common name for what linguists call African-American English -- has long been the butt of jokes, as well as the subject of controversy.
But the agency is serious about needing nine people to translate conversations picked up on wiretaps during investigations, Special Agent Michael Sanders said Tuesday. A solicitation was sent to contractors as part of a request to companies to provide hundreds of translators in 114 languages.
"DEA's position is, it's a language form we have a need for," Sanders said. "I think it's a language form that DEA recognizes a need to have someone versed in to conduct investigations."
The translators, being hired in the agency's Southeast Region -- which includes Atlanta, Georgia; Washington; New Orleans, Louisiana; Miami, Florida; and the Caribbean -- would listen to wiretaps, translate what was said and be able to testify in court if necessary, he said.
"The concept is right and good," said Walt Wolfram, distinguished professor of English linguistics at North Carolina State University. "Why wouldn't you want experts who can help you understand what people are communicating?"
"On one level, it's no different than someone from the Outer Banks of North Carolina who speaks a distinct brogue," he said. "The problem is that even the term 'Ebonics' is so controversial and politicized that it becomes sort of a free-for-all."
And Ebonics is no longer spoken only by African-Americans, Sanders said, referring to it as "urban language" or "street language." He said he is aware of investigations in recent years in which it was spoken by African-Americans, Latinos and white people. "It crosses over geographic, racial and ethnic backgrounds," he said.
"[African-American English] is linguistic defiance being reinforced by hip-hop," said professor John Baugh, who leads the public relations committee of the Linguistic Society of America.
The DEA's recruiting "has it half right," Baugh said.
Although having translation help is a good law enforcement tool, Baugh said, the term "Ebonics" may be counterproductive because "the social positions of speakers have been the object of ridicule."
The Washington University professor also is concerned about racial profiling resulting from assumptions made from a speaker's dialect.
While the DEA wants to have the translators available, it may not need to call upon them, Sanders said. He did not know how much it would cost to have the translators available.
"I can't say it's spoken all the time, like Spanish and Vietnamese," Sanders said. "But there are people trying to use this to evade detection" while trafficking in drugs, he said.
Asked whether agency currently has agents who can translate Ebonics, Sanders said some who have worked on local police forces can help pick out words on wiretaps.
The term "Ebonics" -- a blend of "ebony" and "phonics" -- became known in 1996, when the Oakland, California, Unified School District proposed using it in teaching English. After the school board came under fire, it voted to alter the plan, which recognized Ebonics as a distinct language.
The revised plan removed reference to Ebonics as "genetically based" and as the "primary language" of students. The board also removed a part that some understood to indicate that African-American students would be taught in Ebonics, although the board denied such intentions.
"There is something of substance here," said Wolfram, who said he has studied African-American English for 40 years. "There are differences in terms of language and lexicon and so forth that are difficult to understand for most people. So it is an issue. What, of course, happens is, it gets politicized and trivialized by the very term 'Ebonics.'"
The Linguistic Society of America calls Ebonics a form of communication that deserves recognition and study.
"Characterizations of Ebonics as 'slang,' 'mutant,' 'lazy,' 'defective,' 'ungrammatical' or 'broken English' are incorrect and demeaning," a 1997 resolution said.
For Baugh, all languages or dialects are "fundamentally equal." Ebonics is a dialect spoken by slave descendants who live in many countries and don't speak just English, he said. Its early speakers were enslaved, isolated from other speakers of their language and denied access to formal education, Baugh said.
Wolfram -- who has authored more than 20 books on English dialects, including African-American English -- recalled the Black Panther trials during the 1970s, when there was debate over whether the saying, "Off the pigs," was a genuine threat to kill police officers or a more metaphorical saying.
Wolfram acknowledged Ebonics often presented as "nothing but bad language." But, he said, "However you view it ... why wouldn't you want to avail yourself of all the interpretive capability that you can get?"
African-American English is "a systematic language variety, with patterns of pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary and usage that extend far beyond slang," according to the website of the Center for Applied Linguistics, a Washington-based nonprofit organization that says it aims to improve communication through better understanding of language and culture.
"Because it has a set of rules that is distinct from those of standard American English, characterizations of the variety as bad English are incorrect," the center said. "Speakers of AAE do not fail to speak standard American English, but succeed in speaking African American English."
U.S. English, a political advocacy group, supports the DEA's recruitment, said Tim Schultz, director of government relations.
"Having somebody to explain slang terms ... spoken by a particular community is an advantage if it allows them to understand a conversation," he said.
U.S. English's primary focus is making English the official language of the United States and backing laws that ensure immigrants learn English.
Language barriers that contribute to conflicts between nations can be a "serious issue," Wolfram noted. "It's the same point here."
He said the translators could help in investigations, as "the differences between dialect and code words can get pretty blurry at times."
Sanders said DEA plans to continue seeking the translators.
"African-American English is an evolving dialect and in some ways is growing in stature," Baugh said.
Yes, I read this awhile back... You're right, "ebonics" is so fluid and is constantly changing. Would any information a translator translated hold up in court? I guess it would be useful in the investigation, but not sure how useful it would be in a court of law. Who would be the "authority" on ebonics?
Hmmm, when I first read this article, I said what the heck! then had a good chuckle or two with dh. The Caribbean too? lol my grandmother would turn over in her grave. Yea, who would have thought one could get such a job for sure. But what are the promotional opportunities? Maybe a professor can implement such a program with a few reformed Ebonic speaking Huggy Bear types. I mean... really. I do remember one of those autobiographies where the drug dealers purposely made up their own code. But I guess they got an Ebonics expert to verify this.? lol I also thought of the two folks a while back. lol
The code changes constantly. My guess is they are looking for college educated people who grew up in the areas targeted but the problem is if they don't currently have contact will they know the current lingo. I belong to another AA forum and there are members who write some of their posts in Ebonics. It is a hoot. I am 100% sure these are the types of translators they are looking for... they are able to transcribe it consistently as spoken. I couldn't write Ebonics if my life depended on it. The funny thing is one of the posters has a degree in journalism and the others were english or business majors. There's one poster to appears to have very little formal education and her posts are written in Ebonics as well but her posts make no sense at all because her spelling and grammar are all over the place. She is not writing that way as a joke... I have a very hard time reading her posts. The people who write Ebonics well, write is phonetically and it is spot on every single time.
The whole thing makes me wonder will the recognized authority on Ebonics have to create a new dictionary every year so there will be a standard to hold up in court. I can see it now... An arrest made in 2010 finally getting to court in 2014 and the terminology being totally different. You will need someone really convincing to stand up in court to get the translations to hold up.
So, I was thinking about this thread last night and I wondered if *I* really knew ebonics. My DDs godfather left me a msg and he said... "Yo, holler at cha boy" I absolutely knew that he meant, "Give me a call back when you get a chance". When I returned his call the first thing out my mouth was "What's the dealio?" which, of course, means "How are you?" Sorry, I'm giggling as I write this - seeing this conversation in print makes me see just how corny we both are. Was that ebonics, or just simply slang... or is it one and the same? My friend is a professional with advanced degrees and would most likely never use slang in the office. Does it make a difference based on the person using it? For instance, my friend knows better... and could articulate "call me back" in many different ways (including a couple of different authentic languages). Is it ebonics if that is the only way you know how to express yourself?
You probably know Ebonics but just don't realize it. I figured out I knew Ebonics when my step-son would visit. DH and I would say things and he had no clue what we were talking about. My 5 year olds understand it much better than a 20 year old does. We don't use it when step-son is around anymore because he has attempted to use it and uses it in the wrong context.
A good example is time... "I haven't seen you in a minute." He didn't understand the concept of time connected to it. Is it actually a minute, an hour, a day, months or years? LOL!
I had to come back to this thread, my older son told me his teacher was discussing, guess what the topic was? Ebonics. LOL I asked him to keep me I am curious as to what the lesson is based on.See I always thought such speech was a form of colloquialism. I see it with my West Indian folks, the cockney/English/patois among my English (born and bred in England) folks, and among dh's Southern family, not so much the Northern family members. I would guess other racial groups or regional groups do the same and some may share the terminologies. To me slang is ever changing. Like chill out back when, or be cool, fresh, ranking, or bite.So you have the combination of slang and colloquialisms that I guess is the challenge for the DEA.
Let us know what the teacher discussed in class. I'll bet it's interesting. What kind of job are you going to get speaking non standard english? You have to be able to switch it off and on as needed.
This recruitment advertisement makes me question the diversity of the DEA. Are their workers primarily from a certain segment of society? Considering the type of work they do they ought to have just about every group in the country covered because just about every group in this country has some sort of issue that the DEA investigates.