Hi my husband and I have been thinking about adoption for a while now and we have been back and forth between various countries. We finally landed on kazakhstan and were very excited except for the fact that we are Canadians and I can't seem to find one agency who works in kazakhstan in Canada. So we are turning to you very knowledgeable people in hopes that either you know of a Canadian agency or even an American one that works with Canadians as well. I'm really good at research so a name is just fine but if you would like to give a review that would be excellent too just PM me thanks so much for your time.
The only one in Canada I've heard who has licence to adopt from Kazakhstan is CARC in Toronto, Theatrenerd. The Ministry of Children and Youth Services should have a full listing, though not always up to date. The issue right now is that each agency has to be re-licenced for Kazakhstan because the country just put the Hague convention in place. So this is something that could slow down your adoption journey and you should be aware of it.