Originally Posted By Emily
Hi Everyone,
I have been searching for information on open adoption within Australia without much success. I was hoping someone that posts on this board would be able to suggest a website or something. I have come across plenty of websites for American families willing to be involved in an open adoption but nothing for Australia. Well I would appreciate any help that any one could give.
Originally Posted By debbie
Contact your local family and children's services, for pre-adoption fostering, anglicare, or the catholic foster homes in your state. They may be able to help you. there are not many children up for adoption in our country. Pre-adoptive foster caring is often your best chance of maybe getting to keep an Australian child.
Hi there, our first adoption and following two Permanent care orders are 'open' and I for one think it is the best situation for all 'within reason'....There is a site established by: Adoptive Families of Victoria (VFAV) that you should find throgh 'Google Search'....Good luck, these kids are SO WORTH IT....Lyn