We are finished fostering. I closed our license today. I am sad, but know it is the right move. Two years ago when we started this, I thought we would do it for the rest of our lives. But, I could not see into the future... The main reason we decided to quit is because we found out our older son is going to need a heart transplant at some point, probably in the next couple years. We need to focus on him. And when the doctor says it is time, we need to be able to uproot and move out of state at a moment's notice to get him near a pediatric transplant facility. (Yes, I know Riley does pediatric heart transplants, but they do not have near the experience of other hospitals, so we are choosing to go elsewhere.) It has been great getting to know all of you! Good luck to you all!
I think you're making the right decision.. I'm sorry to hear that your son will need a heart transplant in the future but I definitely agree with yo on going where the Best is!! I hope you have a good support group in place, it definitely helps! If you ever want to chat heartmom to heartmom (both my boys have heart issues, albeit not as severe as Cameron's obviously), I'm always available!! You can email me anytime I know what it's like to be in and out of the hospital all the time with no one that really understands .Hugs!!!!