I am new on this forum, but found it interesting because I am helping my "little"(she is 50 years now !) sister in her "strugge"l to get to now more about her birth parents.
Because I am new here,I really don,t know where to look and I do not have the time to search all relevant posts on this forum. My younger sister is said to have been born in Seoul,Korea on 7 dec 1961. She was adopted to Norway in february 1968 through a Mrs Grace Rue, who worked for the Sevent Day Adventists( I belive) and ran an orphanage on their behalf in Seoul.
I have some more information about my sisters, like passport( with her Korean name), and other "official" douments, but I DO NOT KNOW where to start my search for her birthparents or relatives that might still be alive, almost 42 years after her adoption.
We would be very grateful for any informations about how and where to search in abel to resolve this mystery for her. I thank you for your replys in advance.
There are many adult adoptees from Korea who search and most agencies are helping. I do not know if the SDA does. So I did some quick searching to find the people who can tell you.
This link below should be able to provide detailed info on searching. The details you have should be enough to start with.
I found some info about George and Grace Rue.
Book written about the Rue's. "Though Bombs May Fall: The Extraordinary Story of George Rue Missionary Doctor to Korea" (preview of book on page 113 has a picture of the old orphanage building)
[URL=""] style=" color:rgb(0,0,255);"[/URL]
Blog with pictures of "SDA Seoul Sanitarium and Clinic" as well as George and Grace Rue on the front steps of the hospital in 1951. May be some good info on searching on this blog and the pictures may be important to your sister.
Another group of adoptees: Overseas Adopted Koreans which has details about birth family searches.
Good luck,
Please have her contact her adoption agency to initiate a birth search with korea. if there is no luck there, contact KAS at Also consider doing a DNA test if one hasn't been done already. contact 325kamra for a familytreedna kit at . if she has tested at ancestry or 23andme, she can transfer to, genesis.gedmatch, and familytreeDNA usually for free. If she has any questions, she can join DNA tested Korean Adoptee's and Korean War Veterans and their children on facebook