I haven't been on here for a while... so please forgive me. But I'm not sleeping through the night because we have a baby.
We adopted our son 2.5 years ago from foster care and left our license open because it was so easy. I've stayed in touch with many, many people we've come to know along this process.
The social workers in Riverside County are so overwhelmed and overworked. There are so many children and not enough foster families. I never thought I'd do straight foster care but after much, much soul searching we decided to do it.
Immediately I got placement of a 5 month old baby boy. He is happy and healthy and will probably go back to parents. I'm not ready to adopt again, nor was I considering it right now. And I'm happy he has a reunification plan.
Just thought I'd share that we're +1 more right now! Good luck to everyone else on their journey!