Just out of curiosity, what is up with a single post showing up in like six different forums? I log on, and one post in one thread will show up in Birthparents, Parenting, Adult Adoptees and Faith-Based support. Only Foster Care seems immune from the self-replicating post.
It's not tragic, just sort of annoying.
can you give me an example? I don't know if you mean people who post duplicates or if you are saying there is a glitch.
It's the front page showing the different forums and the most recent comment/most recent thread - before you click on show recent posts...
Been happening for months ever since the glitch where posts were not updating for days on the front page.
Last update on May 2, 2:25 pm by Miriam Gwilliam.
Thanks for letting me know the specifics Dickons!:) I'll ask the tech team to look into it.